[comp.periphs] Problems with NEC2362 + Rimfire 3200

rd@lri.lri.fr (Roland Dirlewanger) (06/26/89)

We have four NEC 2362 (850 Megabytes) disks coupled on Ciprico
Rimfire 3200 controlers on our Suns 3/[12]60.
We currently run the release 1.14 of the rf3200 driver for Suns.

All four disks got the same problem, one after each other, in
an interval of three or four months : there are more and
more bad blocks on the disk (ECC correction failed).
I tried to rewrite the bad blocks. This helped sometimes, but
usually only fixed the problem for a short period of time
(a few hours or so).

At this stage, it's unpossible to reformat the disk : the
verification always fails and the disk has to be changed.

I know that NEC had a problem on the beginning of last year
with 2363 drives (1.1 gigabytes), but do someone know if the
same kind of problem also affected the 2362 series ?

Thanks for your help.

Roland Dirlewanger				E-mail: rd@lri.fr
Universite Paris Sud					rd@lri.UUCP
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique		RD@FRLRI61.BITNET
Batiment 490					Phone: +33 (1) 69 41 64 01
91405 Orsay Cedex - France