barton@holston.UUCP (Barton A. Fisk) (11/21/89)
I am trying to set the form length on a LQ-1050 via a unix shell script and am having problems. According to the manual, the string should be ESC C n where in is the length in lines. Also I have several other printers that are working correctly on this system, which I set and unset using strings like echo "\033a\c" > /dev/ttywhatever and it works fine. Why won't the epson respond to a similar sequence??? I've tried "\033C42" and "^[C42" and on and on with other tickles and twidles. HELP! My dislike is growing for this piece of japanese workmanship. -- Barton A. Fisk | UUCP: {attctc,texbell}vector!holston!barton PO Box 1781 | (PSEUDO) DOMAIN: barton@holston.UUCP Lake Charles, La. 70602 | ---------------------------------------- 318-439-5984 | "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone"-JC