[comp.periphs] <175@sean.UUCP>

skipl@adaptex.UUCP (12/16/89)

I am quite sure Atasi is out of business and has been for quite a while.
Don't know if they were purchased or not.
Vertex was bought out by Priam a few years ago and they are in chapter 11.
Good luck

steve@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM (Steve Bridges) (12/18/89)

In article <9700008@adaptex> skipl@adaptex.UUCP writes:
>I am quite sure Atasi is out of business and has been for quite a while.
>Don't know if they were purchased or not.

think they went belly up.  The reason I know this, is we had an older
Tower-XP in our office with 2 Atasi 46MB disks.  They both went out
the same day, and our Field Engineer replaced them with Hitachi disks.

In my own humble opinion, Atasi disks rank right up there with the CMI
hard disks IBM put in the first PC-ATs.  They had an unbelivable failure

I remember an ad that another hard disk manufacturer had.  It showed
2 guys on a boat dumping CMI disks in the water off of Boca Raton.  The
caption read:  "Boca Raton needs a new reef".

The ad went on to say that if you sent them your CMI disks and some bucks,
they would ship you their brand of disk, and use the junk CMI disks
to build a reef off of Boca Raton.

Steve Bridges                    | NCR - USDPG Product Marketing and Support OLS
Steve.Bridges@Dayton.NCR.COM     | Phone:(513)-445-4182 622-4182 (Voice Plus)
"Helocopter 4 Mike Bravo cleared low-level to the heliport"

fyl@ssc.UUCP (Phil Hughes) (12/19/89)

In article <747@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM>, steve@pmday_2.Dayton.NCR.COM (Steve Bridges) writes:
> In article <9700008@adaptex> skipl@adaptex.UUCP writes:
> >
> >I am quite sure Atasi is out of business and has been for quite a while.
> >Don't know if they were purchased or not.
> think they went belly up.  The reason I know this, is we had an older
> Tower-XP in our office with 2 Atasi 46MB disks.  They both went out
> the same day, and our Field Engineer replaced them with Hitachi disks.
> In my own humble opinion, Atasi disks rank right up there with the CMI
> hard disks IBM put in the first PC-ATs.  They had an unbelivable failure
> rate.

There seem to be two kinds of Atasi drives.  The ones that broke and the
ones that run forever.  I have had 4 of them.  The only dead one was a
reconditioned one and the reconditioner didn't tighten a bold inside the
sealed section.  If fell out and totally destroyed the disk.

On the other hand, two other 46MB drives have been running in just about
every computer we have ever owned.  They get put in, used for a year and
then replaced with a bigger drive.  

The final drive is a 33MB one that came in our Codata 3300 in 1983.  After
running 24 hours/day in the Codata for 4 years, we removed it and have
used it in an IBM AT and just about everything else.  Today it is in a 286
DOS system that I am using for porting an application to DOS.  Again,
running 24 hours/day.  (Now, of someone would just buy the Codata ... :-))

Phil Hughes, SSC, Inc. P.O. Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155  (206)FOR-UNIX
     uunet!pilchuck!ssc!fyl or attmail!ssc!fyl            (206)527-3385