cbuckley@vax1.tcd.ie (Colm Buckley) (02/02/90)
I'm posting to see if anybody can help me with a problem. Recently, I bought a second-hand Enterprise 64 computer (remember them? about 1983-5, I think) to add to my collection of ancient 8-bitters. On the back of this computer is a UHF TV output socket, and another socket marked "monitor". The latter is an edge connector with 5 tracks. I am at present using it with a TV, but, as I have a couple of analogue RGB monitors "lying around" - I wonder if anybody can tell me the spec. of the Enterprise's monitor port, and can it be connected to an Amstrad CTM640 monitor - the "free" monitor which came with the CPC464 (another 8-bitter, for those who've ignored the home micro market for the last 6 years!) - I think the connections on the Enterprise might just be R, G, B, Sync and GND, but I'm not sure. Is there a "Reference Manual" available for the E64? Is there a user-group. I know Enterprise itself is long gone, but there must be some users out there who can help me.. Replies can either be posted to this group or EMAILed to me directly "CBUCKLEY@vax1.tcd.ie" Thanks (in hope and anticipation Colm. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Colm Buckley. (Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin) | | | | EMAIL : cbuckley@vax1.tcd.ie | | Phone : Dublin 770101 | +---+---------------------------------------------------------+---+ | "I'm a lean, mean computing machine!" | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | (sometimes) | +---------------------------------------------------------+