[comp.periphs] Modems

jwabik@shamash.UUCP (Jeff Wabik) (10/09/87)

I'm currently considering a large modem purchase.. Cost being a factor, I have
singled out the following modems as possibilities..  Any comments on the 
quality of the below named products would be greatly appreciated!  (Note
that these are External modems).

	Everex 2400
	U.S. Robotics 2400
	Microbotics 2400
	Avatex 2400hc

If responding by mail, please follow the paths below .. 

Thanks in advance .. 


Jeff A. Wabik @ Control Data Corporation      Bloomington, MN  55440
UUCP: {umn-cs|rosevax|meccts}!shamash!jwabik  ARPA: jwabik@ub.d.umn.edu
Disclaimer:  My employer knows not of what I do here .. 

benefiel@wyse.wyse.com (Daniel Benefiel xtmp user id dept234) (02/27/90)

i need to buy a modem with the features listed above.  so far i've found one
(Everex 24) for $115 that fits the bill.  if you know of any others, please
let me know.

dan benefiel

jayg@wpi.wpi.edu (Jay Giurleo) (03/08/90)

Hi all.  I need some help in buying a new modem.  Basically what I need to know
is whether MNP error protection circuitry is worth the extra money for a 2400
baud modem.  Is it?  Thanks for the help!

ear@wpi.wpi.edu (Eric A Rasmussen) (03/09/90)

In article <9489@wpi.wpi.edu> jayg@wpi.wpi.edu (Jay Giurleo) writes:
>Hi all.  I need some help in buying a new modem.  Basically what I need to know
>is whether MNP error protection circuitry is worth the extra money for a 2400
>baud modem.  Is it?  Thanks for the help!

I would suggest that whether or not you need the extra protection depends on
the quality of the phone line you are using.  Also, some cheaper modems are
more susceptable to line noise than most, but if you are buying a popular
brand of modem, such as a Hayes, Avatex, U.S. Robotics, or Telebit, I would
not worry about it.  I have an Avatex 2400 baud modem without MNP, and I very
rarely have any problems with line noise.  I have also used Zoom Telephonics
and Practical Peripherals brand 2400 baud modems without MNP and had no noise
problems.  In fact, the only 2400 baud modem I have seen that was below
standard was an Omnidyne, but it had been dropped off a table onto the floor a
few times.

In theory, MNP can also result in slightly higher data transmission rates by
utilizing data compression techniques, however this is only useful if you plan
on doing large file transfers over the phone, such as if you plan to call a
lot of bulletin boards.

One problem with MNP modems is that you only gain the advantages of MNP if you
are calling another modem with MNP, and I am almost positive that the modems
WPI has do not support MNP.

In summary, I would get the MNP if I had a noisy phone line and/or I planned
on doing lots of file transfers with bulletin boards that have MNP modems,
otherwise, I would save my money.