[comp.periphs] Care and feeding of Wangtech drives

mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us (Nick Sayer) (03/22/91)

I have recently moved just about my whole Unix system up
one generation. :-) In doing so, I moved from a CDC half-inch
tape drive to a quarter-inch (DC-600A style) Wangtech
drive. If it helps to describe, this wangtech is the kind where
you put the tape in sideways and push it all the way in,
then it pops out a little and locks in place. To eject it,
you push it back in and it unlocks.

I used to go over the tape path of the CDC with Q-tips and alcohol
once in a while, but I never did any de-magging of the heads or
anything (under the theories "ignorance is bliss" and "what if
these things aren't supposed to be demagged?"). Looking at the
Wangtech, I can't see anything that might need doing besides
perhaps my usual routine on the head only. Looking at how these
drives work, there's no capstan/pinch roller setup or
tape path to clean.

I should mention that my usage pattern is very, very sparse.
I do a full disk backup once in a while (yes, I'll get burned
some day, but those damn tapes are expensive!).

Nick Sayer              | Think of me as a recombinant    | RIP: Mel Blanc
mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us | Simpson: Homer's looks, Lisa's  |   1908-1989
N6QQQ  []      | brains, Bart's manners, and     |  May he never
209-952-5347 (Telebit)  | Maggie's appetite for TV.  --Me |  be silenced.