[comp.cog-eng] Y positive up or down?

rew@cbosgd.ATT.COM (Bob Warren) (11/10/86)

Having used a Tektronix 4027 which had one coordinate system (0,0 at top
left) for text and a different one (0,0 at bottom left) for graphics,
I would support the notion of giving the user a choice of coordinate
spaces, but the impact of coordinates goes beyond the programmer writing
display code.  It turns out that the choice of coordinate system can
trickle down to displays the ultimate user sees.  An example of this
is what happens when a Cartesian system for plotting degrees is used in a
business graphics program to produce pie charts.  Pie charts drawn using this
system end up with Zero degrees at the far right of the circle, with degrees
increasing counterclockwise.  What difference does this make?  Well, if you are
showing anything with a sequential component (like time periods), a lot.
Most people have an internal model of pie charts that more closely approximates
polar (clock-face) coordinates than Cartesian, so they expect to scan
clockwise.  This affects both the speed and accuracy with which they
can use the chart.  I have a write-up of some experimental work on
this problem that I would be glad to USMail to anyone interested (the
graphics lose something over E-Mail).

Bob Warren