[comp.cog-eng] Turing tests and other trivia...

trent@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Ray Trent) (11/13/86)

A couple of things:

  1) I've always been somewhat suspicious about the Turing Test. (1/2 :-)

     a) does anyone out there have any good references regarding
        its shortcomings. :-|

     b) Imagine this scenario: AI researchers succeed far beyond their
        wildest dreams; create machine orders of magnitude *more*
        intelligent than human beings. Turing test fails because
        people always think the human is the machine...and vice versa... :-)

     c) Imagine *this* scenario: AI researchers succeed *to* the level
        of their wildest dreams. What if the machine doesn't *want*
        humans to think it is artificially intelligent...shouldn't be
        *too* hard to fake, eh? (1/2 :-)

     d) Yes, this probably belongs in net.jokes...but I *am* interested
        in part a).

  2) Has anyone else noted that a large majority of articles posted
     to one of these groups (comp.ai, comp.cog.eng) are also posted
     to the other. (regardless of whether the 2 groups are "supposed"
     to be for different purposes or not) What is the rationale for
     having 2 groups? (I'm merely curious)
"A journey of a thousand miles..."
 (trent@csvax.caltech.edu, rat@caltech.bitnet, ...seismo!cit-vax!trent)