[comp.cog-eng] choosing grad schools

conklin@milano.UUCP (11/22/86)

When I was there three years ago U. Mass. (Amherst) had an
aggressively interdisciplinary approach to Cognitive Science, involving
the Computer Science (COINS), Linguistics, Psychology, and
Philosophy departments.  While there was no single department
and no degree, there was active encouragement for students to
take courses in the other departements, and many advanced seminars
were co-lead by faculty of several departments.  I don't know
the status of things now, especially since Michael Arbib, a chief
architect of that approach, has gone on to USC in LA.
              Jeff Conklin
                  MCC Software Technology Program
                  (512) 338-3562
                  conklin@MCC.arpa   ut-sally!im4u!milano!conklin