[comp.cog-eng] Interest in a newsgroup for User Interface discussions?

bob@acornrc.UUCP (Bob Weissman) (12/22/86)

In article <228@acornrc.UUCP>,  I wrote:
> Is there any interest in net-land in forming a newsgroup (or mailing list)
> for the discussion of computer user interfaces?  Or is this topic covered
> adequately in some other group?  

Thanks to all both for your interest and for the pointers that the
proper newsgroup for such discussions is comp.cog-eng.  

See you there, fellow user interface enthusiasts!

Bob Weissman
UUCP:	...!{ ames | decwrl | oliveb }!acornrc!bob
ARPA:	bob%acornrc.UUCP@AMES.ARPA