[comp.cog-eng] Student Volunteers Needed - CHI+GI 1987 Conference

samackay@watcgl.UUCP (01/28/87)

Student volunteers are needed to assist with the CHI+GI 1987
conference to be held April 5-9 in Toronto, Canada.

CHI+GI 1987 will integrate the annual CHI conference (sponsored by
the ACM Special Interest group on Computers and Human Interaction,
SIGCHI), and the annual Graphics Interface (GI) conference, sponsored
by the CIPS Canadian Man-Computer Communications Society (CMCCS).
This special combined conference offers an opportunity for those
involved in human-computer interaction and computer graphics to
learn about each other's fields and discuss issues of mutual concern.

Student volunteers are needed to help run the conference.
Responsibilities will include monitoring and running audio-visual
equipment for sessions and tutorials, assisting in registration of
attendees, helping with live demonstrations, and performing other
reasonable tasks.  Student volunteers will be expected to work 16
hours over a six day period in exchange for free conference admission,
free conference proceedings, free admission to a tutorial of your
choice, and other benefits.  Students who want a second tutorial
will work a total of 24 hours.  Extra compensation will be considered
for those students who work more than 24 hours.  We will also provide
special student housing information, and will throw a party to show our 
appreciation of your efforts.

We are accepting student volunteers NOW.
  - If you have a CHI+GI registration form, send it to one of the
    addresses below instead of the regular conference address.
  - If you have already registered for the conference and would like
    to become a volunteer, let us know and we will arrange that a
    refund be given at the conference.
  - If you would like to volunteer and need registration forms or if
    you would like more information, please contact one of us by
    phone, Email or regular mail.

	    CHI+GI 1987 Student Volunteer Coordinators

Steve MacKay                                 Bob Duchnicky
Division of Electrical Engineering           Honeywell Limited
National Research Council Canada             1345 Denison Street
Ottawa, Ontario                              Markham, Ontario
Canada  K1A 0R8                              Canada  L3R 5V2
(613) 993-6553                               (416) 479-5100
Email: mackay@nrcctis.UUCP

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