[comp.cog-eng] response summary to MA/PHd programs query

orr@instable.UUCP (02/23/87)

    Hi, netters. 
	A while ago (Jan 19) I asked for information about MA/PHd
programs in COG-ENG & related fields for a friend of mine. 

	*Thanks a million* to all those who took time out & replied
on both my behalf & my friend's. You've been a great help.

	anyway, here is a summary of the relevant answers I got,
in case any body else is interested.

				Thanx again, 
				     Michael Orr.


Good programs in both Cognitive and Developmental Psych at UCSD.
Also in Psychological Anthropology, which relates well to Social Psych.
She can write
		Ruby Woods
		Psychology Department
		University of California, San Diego
		La Jolla, CA  92093

for applications and an information packet.  Ruby is the chief
secretary in Psych.  If your friend wants to reach various faculty, she
might try (at the same address)  Don Norman for info on the Cognitive
Science program and Elizabeth (Liz) Bates for info on Developmental Psych.
Or Harold (Hal) Pashler for Cognitive Psychology.  He's more approachable
than Don, though Don is in charge of the Cognitive department.  Liz and
Hal are both profs and are extremely friendly and helpful.

Valerie Polichar

MIT has the program in Brain and Cognitive Sciences - perhaps
too biology-oriented for your friend.

Stanford has just created a new department - Symbolic Systems - 
which is a blend of Cog Sci, Psych, Comp Sci, Philosophy, Linguistics.

Berkeley's departments of Education and Psychology are supposed to
be good, and there is an ongoing program in cognitive science/

Try writing for descriptions of these programs.  You can probably
reach Berkeley through

	Department of Psychology
	Graduate advisor
	UC Berkeley
	Berkeley, CA 94720

Stanford would be

	Dept. of Psychology (or Symbolic Systems, but they may not
				count as a mail stop yet)
	Stanford University
	Stanford, CA 94305

At Sussex Univerity we have a Cognitive Sciences school which awards
MA, MSc, M.Phil, D.Phil degrees in cognitive psycholgy/AI. One of the
most popular courses is our MSc in "knowledge based systems" which is
essentially a one year conversion course in AI with some
psychology/linguistics/philosophy. It includes a great deal of practical
programming using POPLOG on VAX or Unix Workstations.
If your friend is interested she should write as soon as possible to:
    Graduate admissions
    University  of Sussex,
    Brighton, BN1 9QN, England      (Phone (044) (273) 606755)

asking for prospectus, application forms, etc.

orr%nsta@nsc			 IBM's motto: Machines should work,
                                              People should think.
                                 Orr's remark: Neither do.
Disclaimer: Opinions, come home. All is forgiven. Papa.