harnad@mind.UUCP (04/04/87)
Program of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology June 21 -23, University of California, San Diego For program information: William Bechtel (SPP Program Chairman), Philosophy Department, Georgia State University, Atlanta GA 30303-3083 phone: (404)-658-2277 bitnet address: psuvax1!phlpwb%GSUMVS1.BITNET For membership information: Patricia Kitcher, Philosophy Department, University of California-San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093 arpanet address: sdcsvax!ir205%sdcc6 -------- SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1987 -------- 9:00 - 11:00am SYMPOSIUM: DEPRESSION, COGNITION, AND RATIONALITY Chair: Evalyn Segal, Psychology, San Diego State University Speakers: George Graham, Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham Christopher Peterson, Psychology, University of Michigan Lynn Rehm, Psychology, University of Houston Commentator: Richard Garrett, Philosophy, Bentley College 1:00 - 3:15pm CONCURRENT CONTRIBUTED PAPERS SESSIONS I AND II SESSION I: Behavior and Belief Chair: James Pate, Psychology, Georgia State Unviersity Speaker: Ruth Garrett Millikan, Philosophy, University of Connecticut "What is Behavior? or Why Narrow Psychology/Ethology is Impossible" Commentator: John Biro, Philosophy, University of Oklahoma Speaker: David Martel Johnson, Philosophy, York University "'Brutes Believe Not': Why Non-Human Animals Have No Beliefs" Commentator: Carolyn Ristau, Psychology, Vassar SESSION II: Computational Theories of Mind Chair: Owen Flanagan, Philosophy, Wellesley Speaker: David Kirsch, Artificial Intelligence, MIT "The Concept of Computation in Connectionist Systems" Commentator: Brian Cantwell Smith, Computer Science, Xerox PARC Speaker: Joseph Levine, Philosophy, North Carolina State University "Demonstrative Thought" Commentator: La Verne Shelton, Educational Testing Service, Princeton 3:30-5:00pm INVITED LECTURE: LANGUAGES OF THE DEAF Chair: Adele Abrahamsen, Language Research Center, Georgia State Speaker: Howard Poizner, Salk Institute, San Diego "Brain Function for Language: Perspectives from Another Modality" 7:00-10:00pm SYMPOSIUM: ANALOGY AND LEARNING Chair: Paul Thagard, Cognitive Science, Princeton Speakers: Dedre Gentner, Psychology, University of Illinois Doug Medin, Psychology, University of Illinois Keith Holyoak, Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles Commentator: Eva Kittay, Philosophy, SUNY, Stony Brook ----- MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1987 -------- 9:00-11:30am SYMPOSIUM: CONNECTIONISM AND IMAGE SCHEMATIC STRUCTURES Chair: Patricia Churchland, Philosophy, University California, San Diego Speakers: David Rumelhart, Psychology, University of California, San Diego George Lakoff, Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley Mark Johnson, Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Terrence Sejnowski, Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University 12:30-2:45pm CONCURRENT CONTRIBUTED PAPERS SESSIONS III, IV, AND V Session III: Logic and Reasoning Chair: Ralph Kennedy, Philosophy, Wake Forest Speaker: David Sanford, Philosophy, Duke University "Circumstantial Validity" Commentator: John Rust, Psychology, London School of Education Speaker: Howard Margolis, Committee on Public Policy, University of Chicago "Habits of Mind" Commentator: Stuart Silvers, Philosophy, Tilburg University Session IV: Mentalistic Explanations Chair: Speaker: Joseph Thomas Tolliver, Philosophy, University of Maryland "Knowledge Without Truth" Commentator: Kent Bach, Philosophy, San Fransciso State University Speaker: Louise M. Antony, Philosophy, North Carolina State University "Anomalous Monism and the Problem of Explanatory Force" Commentator: Ken Presting, Philosophy, San Francisco State University Session V: Subjective Experience Chair: Hilary Kornblith, Philosophy, Vermont Speaker: James S. Kelly, Philosophy, Miami University "On Quining Qualia" Commentator: Henry Jacoby, Philosophy, East Carolina University Speaker: Richard J. Hall, Philosophy, Michigan State University "Is An Inverted Pain-Pleasure Spectrum Possible?" Commentator: 3:00-5:30pm SYMPOSIUM: CONCEPTUAL AND SEMANTIC CHANGE IN CHILDHOOD AND SCIENCE Chair: Speakers: Annette Karmiloff-Smith, MRC, Cognitive Development Unit Alison Gopnik, Psychology, University of Toronto Susan Carey, Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Philip Kitcher, Philosophy, University of California, San Diego 8:00-9:00pm PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Chair: Alvin Goldman, Philosophy, Arizona Speaker: Stevan Harnad, Behavioral and Brain Sciences "Uncomplemented Categories, or, What Is It Like To Be a Bachelor?" ------ TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1987 ------ 9:00-11:00am SYMPOSIUM: SEMANTICS Chair: Richard Jeffrey, Philosophy, Princeton Speakers: Mark Johnston, Philosophy, Princeton Barbara Hall Partee, Linguistics, U. Massachusetts, Amherst Norbert Hornstein, Linguistic, University of Maryland Commentator: Stephen Schiffer, Philosophy, University of Southern California 11:15-12:30pm INVITED LECTURE: Memory and Brain Chair: Speaker: Larry R. Squire, Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego "Memory and Brain: Neural Systems and Behavior" 1:30-3:45pm CONCURRENT CONTRIBUTED PAPER SESSIONS VI AND VII SESSION VI: CONCEPTS Chair: Bernard Kobes, Philosophy, Arizona State University Speaker: Kenneth R. Livingston & Janet Andrews, Psychology, Vassar College "Reflections on the Relationship Between Philosophy and Psychology in the Study of Concepts?: Is there Madness in our Methods?" Commentator: Robert McCauley, Philosophy, Emory University Speaker: Andrew Woodfield, Philosophy, Bristol "A Two-Tiered Model of Concept Formation" Commentator: SESSION VII: INTENTIONALITY Chair: Douglas G. Winblad, Philosophy, Georgia State University Speaker: Ron Amundson, Philosophy, University of Hawaii at Hilo "Doctor Dennett and Doctor Pangloss" Commentator: Justin Leiber, Philosophy, University of Houston Speaker: Robert Van Gulick, Philosophy, Syracuse "Consciousness, Intrinsic Intentionality, and Self- Understanding Machines" Commentator: Nick Georgalis, Philosophy, East Carolina University 4:00-5:30pm INVITED LECTURE: CONSCIOUSNESS Chair: Speakers: Daniel Dennett, Philosophy, Tufts University Kathleen Akins, Philosophy, Tufts University BEACH PARTY -- Stevan Harnad (609) - 921 7771 {bellcore, psuvax1, seismo, rutgers, packard} !princeton!mind!harnad harnad%mind@princeton.csnet harnad@princeton.ARPA harnad@mind.Princeton.EDU