[comp.cog-eng] free speech ?

andrew@trlamct.UUCP (07/08/87)

As a new reader of this news group (over here we have to pay money to import
the news) I hope that the Harnad thrashing will not deter others from 
contributing to the discussion.

There is nothing more boring than a news group that consists only of
conference announcements and seminar abstracts. The effort required to skip
over irrelevant articles is worth it if the alternative is a barren news

UUCP: ...!{seismo, mcvax, ucb-vision, ukc}!munnari!trlamct.trl!andrew
ARPA: andrew%trlamct.trl.oz@seismo.css.gov
Andrew Jennings                             Telecom Australia Research Labs

lindsay@vuwcomp.UUCP (Lindsay Groves) (07/13/87)

In article <355@trlamct.oz> andrew@trlamct.oz (Andrew Jennings) writes:
>There is nothing more boring than a news group that consists only of
>conference announcements and seminar abstracts.
I disagree. The MOST boring news groups are ones that consists mainly of 
discussions about what topics should be allowed in the news group!
THis has happened recently in the recipes group (should beer be discussed?) 
and in the women's group (should men's views be allowed?).
I hope the ai and cog-eng groups are not about to do the same!!!

Lindsay Groves

Computer Science Dept.,     ACSnet:  lindsay@vuwcomp.nz
Victoria University, 	    UUCP:.!{alberta,ubc-vision}!calgary!vuwcomp!lindsay
Wellington, N.Z.	    Phone: 721-000, ext 8070

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