[comp.cog-eng] comp.cog-eng and human factors

craig@unicus.UUCP (Craig D. Hubley) (07/22/87)

As Alison Lee and Peter Rowley have stated, comp.cog-eng is moving away
from its mandate in human factors.

In the meantime, a number of discussions have erupted elsewhere that are
relevant to human factors and interfaces, that never appeared to comp.cog-eng
readers at all.

A lengthy discussion of the merits of graphical interfaces, comparing many
different packages, appeared not long ago in comp.windows.misc, and was
cross-posted to several comp.sys and comp.windows groups.  After several
interesting exchanges of opinion, and many many postings, someone suggested
that comp.cog-eng was the appropriate place for the discussion.  No one
seemed to follow up on that.

I think it's the name.  "cog-eng" does not sound like a human factors group.
I agree with Alison:  comp.hci or comp.chi are fine, as is comp.ui, but it 
would be nice to avoid the issue of the "c" and call it comp.hi.  The only
disadvantage of this might be that novice net folks would keep dropping
"Hello there" messages into the group.  But then maybe we'd get 'em early...

	Craig Hubley, Unicus Corporation, Toronto, Ont.
	craig@Unicus.COM				(Internet)
	{seismo!mnetor, utzoo!utcsri}!unicus!craig	(dumb uucp)
	mnetor!unicus!craig@seismo.css.gov		(dumb arpa)