[comp.cog-eng] Human Interfaces to Database Systems

david@geac.UUCP (David Haynes) (08/28/87)

Does anyone know of a product which provides forms/menuing
facilities in a unix environment?

I know that some of the various database vendors do sell
forms systems with their products, but I am looking for
something which we could get in source form in order to
add some of our concepts to. 

Minimal requirements would be:

	Source is available. (UNIX & C)
	The system works on most ASCII asynchronous terminals
	There is a clear division between the presentation and
	application interfaces.
	It is not tied to a particular (database) program.

We have been looking for such a thing and so far have only found
one which meets even these minimal requirements. It problem is
that it does not currently run on UNIX. (They are porting it however).

If you know of any packages we should be investigating, please 
send email to either myself or Sigrid Grimm (geac!sigrid).

Many thanks to those who respond.


David Haynes                          [ mnetor, yetti, utgpu] ! geac ! david
Geac Computers International Inc.          Wise words in mouths of fools
350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario,       do oft themselves belie.
CANADA, L3R 1B3    +1 416 475 0525 x 3420

mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Mike Khaw) (08/29/87)

> Does anyone know of a product which provides forms/menuing
> facilities in a unix environment?
> Minimal requirements would be:
> 	Source is available. (UNIX & C)
> 	The system works on most ASCII asynchronous terminals
> 	There is a clear division between the presentation and
> 	application interfaces.
> 	It is not tied to a particular (database) program.

Back when I was at Picture Elements Ltd (now defunct) I briefly used a forms
building package on a 4.1bsd VAX.  It was freeware (but the term was not in
use at the time) and only depended upon curses to work on text terminals.  We
had the source code for it.  It's been a long time, but if I remember
correctly, this package had a description language for building the forms and
for specifying the behavior of the fields, plus some rudimentary type/range
data checking.

I'm sorry to say I don't remember what it was called, but if any PEL alumni
are reading this, maybe one of you recalls its name and who wrote it, or where
it came from.

Mike Khaw
internet:  mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
usenet:	   {hplabs|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|sri-unix}!mkhaw%teknowledge-vaxc.arpa
USnail:	   Teknowledge Inc, 1850 Embarcadero Rd, POB 10119, Palo Alto, CA 94303

ries@trwrb.UUCP (Marc Ries) (08/31/87)

In article <16191@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Mike Khaw) writes:
>> Does anyone know of a product which provides forms/menuing
>> facilities in a unix environment?
>> Minimal requirements would be:
>I'm sorry to say I don't remember what it was called, but if any PEL alumni
>are reading this, maybe one of you recalls its name and who wrote it, or where
>it came from.

  I believe you mean the:

    FORMS Subroutine Package (c) 1982
    Mathew Diaz
    John Hopkins University

		Marc A. Ries

                ihnp4!------\----- trwrb! --- ries

gilbert@hci.hw.ac.uk (Gilbert Cockton) (09/14/87)

In article <1275@geac.UUCP> david@geac.UUCP (David Haynes) writes:
>Minimal requirements would be:
>	There is a clear division between the presentation and
>	application interfaces.

Sure you want this? Field validation by definition is
application-dependent. Perhaps what you want is a good two-way
interface between the forms manager and the back-end database. Most UI
software only handles the UI->back-end mappings, making good semantic
feedback impossible.

P.S. - a clear division needs bridging - what's your bridge going to
       be? If you want to talk to someone, you need to know something
       about them.  Strict separability only matters for prototyping,
       customisation and multiple UIs. Otherwise the cost of
       separability is not balanced by any major gains.
   Gilbert Cockton, Scottish HCI Centre, Ben Line Building, Edinburgh, EH1 1TN
   JANET:  gilbert@uk.ac.hw.hci    ARPA:   gilbert%hci.hw.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk
		UUCP:	..{backbone}!mcvax!ukc!hwcs!hci!gilbert

gordon@hci.hw.ac.uk (Gordon Howell) (09/16/87)

Posting-Front-End: GNU Emacs 18.41.4 of Fri Sep  4 1987 on glenlivet (berkeley-unix)

In article <120@glenlivet.hci.hw.ac.uk> gilbert@hci.hw.ac.uk (Gilbert Cockton) writes:

   In article <1275@geac.UUCP> david@geac.UUCP (David Haynes) writes:
   >Minimal requirements would be:
   >	There is a clear division between the presentation and
   >	application interfaces.

   Sure you want this? Field validation by definition is
   application-dependent. Perhaps what you want is a good two-way
   interface between the forms manager and the back-end database. Most UI
   software only handles the UI->back-end mappings, making good semantic
   feedback impossible.

Certainly field validation is application-dependent, but I would
suggest that there is a limited set of field validation operations
that are ever used in practice.  Simply implementing these as part of
your forms description; and providing a call-back mechanism for
oddball validation requirements might solve your objection as well as
provide complete separability.

   P.S. - a clear division needs bridging - what's your bridge going to
	  be? If you want to talk to someone, you need to know something
	  about them.  Strict separability only matters for prototyping,
	  customisation and multiple UIs. Otherwise the cost of
	  separability is not balanced by any major gains.
Except the possible gain of being able to match company X's DBMS to
company Y's forms package.  Then the problem devolves :-) into a data
flow standardization question...  (Or we can all argue the definition
of "strict separability" which is the same problem in different clothes.)

I agree that right now I'd prefer *working* tools; but I think our goal
should be to provide UI software architectures that allow us to pick
the best tool for our application ("best" being defined by useability,
cost, politics or however individual organizations like to pick
'em...)  Is this architecture possible?  I'm banking on it...

[I use the term "forms", but understand that this can really be any
db interaction technique...]

Gordon Howell					gordon@hci.hw.ac.uk
Scottish Centre for Human Computer Interaction
Edinburgh, Scotland

daveb@geac.UUCP (Brown) (09/17/87)

In article <120@glenlivet.hci.hw.ac.uk> gilbert@hci.hw.ac.uk (Gilbert Cockton) writes:
>In article <1275@geac.UUCP> david@geac.UUCP (David Haynes) writes:
>>Minimal requirements would be:
>>	There is a clear division between the presentation and
>>	application interfaces.
>Sure you want this? Field validation by definition is

  There are two points being discussed here:
	1) forms-manager to back end interface
	2) seperation of form and content

  I'd be willing to bet David was talking about 2 (although I haven't
shouted over the wall to find out :-).  
 David Collier-Brown.                 {mnetor|yetti|utgpu}!geac!daveb
 Geac Computers International Inc.,   |  Computer Science loses its
 350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario, |  memory (if not its mind)
 CANADA, L3R 1B3 (416) 475-0525 x3279 |  every 6 months.

mjr@well.UUCP (09/18/87)

In article <120@glenlivet.hci.hw.ac.uk> gilbert@hci.hw.ac.uk (Gilbert Cockton) writes:
> Field validation by definition is

No it isn't!  In a fully functional RDBMS environment, field validation
is the function (ultimately) of the data dictionary!  The application
developer need only check the return values from an insert/update/delete
and determine which fields faild to pass muster.  I am doing that now
in a large project using Cincom's Supra DBMS.  This DBMS passes back
three levels of error messages.  The first tells you if everything
went ok or not.  The second tells you what the worst failure was (if
any), and the third enables the programmer to determine exactly which
field(s) failed their validity checks.  This is the way it should be