[comp.cog-eng] windows on a vanilla terminal

garl@nlm-mcs.arpa (Gary Letourneau) (11/03/87)

    I have an immediate need to use a windows package (public domain or 
 otherwise) capable of handling character-based windows on a vanilla terminal 
 connected to a UNIX-based (4.3 Berkley) VAX. Furthermore, I need to a system
 callable from C programs. Would some kind soul shed some light as to what is 
 currently available?

							Thanks in advance,

							Gary Letourneau

steve@hpiacla.HP.COM (Steve Witten) (11/11/87)

Try 'curses'.  It comes with most UNIX systems.  It uses 'termcap' or
'terminfo' to determine how the terminal-based windows are displayed
and manipulated.  It's pretty complete...

Steve Witten
Industrial Applications Center  {ucbvax, hplabs}!hpda!hpdsla!hpiacla!steve
Hewlett-Packard Co.             steve@hpiacla.HP.COM

"Wot's...uh...the deal?"