[comp.cog-eng] Baecker & Buxton book of readings in HCI

norman@sdics.ucsd.EDU (Donald A. Norman) (11/11/87)

I just received a copy of the book by Ron Baecker and Bill Buxton,
"Readings in Human-Computer Interaction."

Baecker, R. & Buxton, W.  (1987).  Readings in human-computer
   interaction: A multidisciplinary approach.  Los Altos, CA: Morgan
   Kaufmann Pubs.  (ISBN 0-934613-24-9)

This is an excellent set of readings, including many of the most
important papers (and excerpts) relevant  to the many issues
discussed there.

I have just been billed $33 for it (after tax and shipping => $37)
which is actually pretty inexpensive for a 738 page, 8 1/2 by 11 size
book.  (paperback).  (all black and white -- xerographic reproductions
of the originals, which does amusing things to the color originals in
some papers, but is satisfactory and keeps the price down.)

Donald A. Norman
Institute for Cognitive Science C-015
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California 92093
norman@nprdc.arpa    	{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!ics!norman
norman@sdics.ucsd.edu	norman%sdics.ucsd.edu@RELAY.CS.NET