[comp.cog-eng] CMS woes

flee@gondor.psu.edu (Felix Lee) (11/03/87)

In article <1057@ucsfcca.ucsf.edu> dick@ucsfccb.UUCP (Dick Karpinski) writes:
>In CMS, in full screen mode, using XEDIT, every <RETURN> that
>I type at the end of a line takes me to the command area. 
>Not what I meant.

I too hated <RETURN> (actually <ENTER>) taking you back to the command area.
What I did was write a macro for the Enter key that put you on the command
area only if you hadn't typed anything else.  It also turned the command
area on and off when necessary.

Xedit is usable, potentially as powerful as Emacs, but not very nice.  The
defaults are awful.  Unless you tell it otherwise, Xedit will UPPERCASE
everything you type in.  What's worse is the "monocase/duocase" switch on
IBM 3270 terminals:  if you set it to "monocase" mode, lower case characters
still exist, but they're displayed as UPPERCASE, so you can't tell if you're
typing lowercase or not.  This confuses users who think that the switch acts
like a Caps Lock and really does turn all those letters to uppercase.  What
you see is what you get, right?
Felix Lee	flee@gondor.psu.edu	{cbosgd,cmcl2}!psuvax1!gondor!flee

nate@cpocd2.UUCP (11/05/87)

In article <3045@psuvax1.psu.edu> flee@gondor.psu.edu (Felix Lee) writes:
>In article <1057@ucsfcca.ucsf.edu> dick@ucsfccb.UUCP (Dick Karpinski) writes:
>>In CMS, in full screen mode, using XEDIT, every <RETURN> that
>>I type at the end of a line takes me to the command area. 
>>Not what I meant.

>I too hated <RETURN> (actually <ENTER>) taking you back to the command area.
>What I did was write a macro for the Enter key that put you on the command
>area only if you hadn't typed anything else.  It also turned the command
>area on and off when necessary.

Actually, if you pour through the XEDIT manual, you might come up with
something like the following command, which you can put into the PROFILE
XEDIT (init) file:


This will keep the cursor where it was the first time you press <ENTER>
and drop it down to the command line the second time.  I have found it
to be usable; the default behaviour *IS* rather annoying...

>Xedit is usable, potentially as powerful as Emacs, but not very nice.  The
>defaults are awful.

Yes, the defaults are indeed awful.  XEDIT also lacks the ability to deal
with regular expressions.  However, because of it's line-mode oriented
beginnings, it does have a couple features that I have never seen on any
other editor:  the ALL macro, which only displays those lines containing
a given string -- "ERROR", for example; the HOR macro, which allows
column-wise editing in any block of lines in the file -- delete, move,
copy columns.  This latter feature is *extremely* handy for dealing with
simulation outputs.  Plus, you can invoke the ALL macro, and then invoke
HOR on whatever part of the file is left, essentially treating all lines
containing a given string as one contiguous block of text.  I have never
encountered another editor that can do either of these two things, let
alone combine them.

XEDIT is blazingly fast.  It is also quite easily extensible.  Compared
with Emacs, however, the user interface is quite a bit more awkward.
Painfully so, at times.

Even though Emacs is my CE(tm), [Chosen Editor :-]# I would still most
likely rather use XEDIT than vi or EDT/TPU.  If XEDIT would only support
regular expressions...

	   "How did you get your mind to tilt like your hat?"

<domainish> :   nate@cpocd2.intel.com		ATT :    (602) 961-2037


What I want to know about XEDIT is how to get the cursor to find the
right hand end of a line (without having to SLOOOOOOWLY get there with
the cursor key.  Have I missed this very useful command?

sbanner1@uvicctr.UUCP (S. John Banner) (11/10/87)

In article <24388JKN@PSUVM> JKN@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
>What I want to know about XEDIT is how to get the cursor to find the
>right hand end of a line (without having to SLOOOOOOWLY get there with
>the cursor key.  Have I missed this very useful command?

You should find that the sequence of "clocate *", folowed by
"cursor column", should do the job.  I haven't tried it, so I won't
guarentee it, however judging from the behaviour of some of the other
column commands that I use more often, this should work.

And just to throw in my two cents worth, I find that judiceous
use of the linemode commands in xedit can be wonderfully time
saving (you should see some the looks I get from some of the people
who only use full-screen functions, and the arrow keys, and think
they are using the full power of xedit).  And I quite like having
the cursor go to the command line when I hit enter, it saves me a 
lot of typeing time having to get there in other ways (just in response
to annother earlyer comment).  I have all ways considered Emacs to be
my favorate editor, but XEdit comes in a close second.

Anyhow, I hope my first paragraph helps,

                      S. John Banner


brianc@cognos.uucp (Brian Campbell) (11/13/87)

In article <24388JKN@PSUVM> JKN@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
! What I want to know about XEDIT is how to get the cursor to find the
! right hand end of a line (without having to SLOOOOOOWLY get there with
! the cursor key.  Have I missed this very useful command?

It's been a long time since I've used XEDIT... but I don't seem to
recall ever having that problem.  Perhaps if you had your prefix on the
right hand side where it's supposed to be?

Seriously, I think the tab key will move you from the prefix area to the
first column of your text.
Brian Campbell        uucp: decvax!utzoo!dciem!nrcaer!cognos!brianc
Cognos Incorporated   mail: POB 9707, 3755 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, K1G 3Z4
(613) 738-1440        fido: (613) 731-2945 300/1200, sysop@1:163/8

franka@mmintl.UUCP (Frank Adams) (11/16/87)

In article <24388JKN@PSUVM> JKN@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
>What I want to know about XEDIT is how to get the cursor to find the
>right hand end of a line (without having to SLOOOOOOWLY get there with
>the cursor key.  Have I missed this very useful command?

The macro I used to use when I was on a CMS system is as follows:

&COL = &LEN + 1

(This is EXEC2; it was written before REXX came along.)  I don't remember
offhand which PF key I assigned it to.

Frank Adams                           ihnp4!philabs!pwa-b!mmintl!franka
Ashton-Tate          52 Oakland Ave North         E. Hartford, CT 06108