[comp.cog-eng] Input Devices

jad@beta.UUCP (John De Vries) (11/24/87)

In article <1014@zodiac.UUCP> klee@klee.UUCP (Ken Lee) writes:
>In article <19@gollum.Columbia.NCR.COM> rolandi@gollum.UUCP () writes:
>>Meanwhile, can anyone give me some pointers to research that examines
>>the relative merits of touchscreens versus "mice".
>As for your question, I think the consensus is that "it depends" on the
>application.  Touchscreens are generally unsuitable for intensive applications

[the following is somewhat colored by the applications we have
 developed in the CEDAR team here at Los Alamos]

>1.  excessive fatigue (holding your arm up all day)

Seems more intermittent than "all day" to me.  I will admit, however,
that a mouse takes substantially less effort for "pointing" exercises.
In fact, I find that a trackball takes even less effort than a mouse.

However, back to the charter of this newsgroup, we have observed that
people find the action of pointing is extremely natural.

>2.  your finger hides the thing you're pointing at

When just "pushing" relatively low-resolution buttons, this isn't much
of a problem.  However, one of our applications involved designating a
route on a map.  We found that a touchscreen was just didn't give the
resolution required.  So it depends, once again, on what you are
"pointing at".

>4.  fingerprints

We are using infra-red style touchscreens (the Carroll touch panel).
Fingerprints smudge the screen, but don't screw up the touchscreen as
one's finger is actually breaking beams of light.

>5.  touch screens cause glare, distortion, and reduce display brightness

We don't know, because we aren't using that kind.  Cf. 4.

>6.  a mouse has more degrees of freedom (especially a multi-button mouse)

  a) your software knows about the other buttons,
  b) your USERS know about the difference between the buttons.

I've seen people who were used to Macintoshes lost with multi-button
mice, but the learning-curve doesn't seem all that steep IF THE USE OF

>Ken Lee

John A. deVries II
jad@lanl.gov.ARPA   ...ihnp4!lanl!gov    ...cmcl2!lanl!gov


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