[comp.cog-eng] Writing Research

egberta@byuvax.UUCP (12/03/87)

on cognitive skills and abilities such as planning, organizing,  critical
thinking, etc.  For example, one of the arguments for teaching children
(and adults) programming languages is that it improves their problem-
solving skills.  There are those that say writing will increase or
enhance higher cognitive abilities and thus encourage the task of
writing on those grounds.  I am aware of much of the literature which
shows that various organizational and planning abilities are
prerequisites for good writing, but I have been less successful in
finding studies which show improvements (or decrements) in cognitive
abilities as a result of writing.

  Is there anyone out there who can point me to current research in
the psychology of writing that addresses these issues?  I would
appreciate pointers to on-going research(ers) as well as references.

Please e-mail responses to me and I will summarize to the net.   (If
there is enough interest to start a discussion on this topic,   let's
start it in sci.psychology.  There has been some recent interest in
discussing educational issues in this group.)

  Thanks in advance,

  Arch Egbert                egberta@byuvax.bitnet
  Brigham Young University