[comp.cog-eng] The Trouble with Direct manipulation: Requests for Experiences

greenberg@calgary.UUCP (Saul Greenberg) (12/05/87)

I am soliciting your thoughts/experiences/anecdotes on direct
manipulation interfaces, particularly those features that fail 
and/or don't provide the ease of use expected. 

To avoid net congestion, please send your replies directly to me.
I will post a digest of selected replies within the next month or two. 
(I will be using this information as part of a talk and paper
 entitled "The trouble with direct manipulation")

Just to set the scene, here are two examples: 
The traditional hierarchical directory/file systems are represented
iconically as folders/applications/documents in the Macintosh 
finder. When a document is accessed deep in the hierarchy, many 
folders must be opened. The problems are:
	o all the open folders clutter the screen
	o closing non-essential folders (usually all but the last)
	  is painful and involves unnecessary decision time.

Windows on the Macintosh can be considered direct manipulation:
they have special controls allowing them to be moved, reshaped, 
closed, and so on instead of the traditional pop-up menu seen 
in most other systems. The problem arises when one wishes to
raise a window that is completely buried under another one.
The window on top must be altered (moved, closed, or reshaped). 
to bring the one underneath in view. The criticisms here are:
	o more than one operation is required to do a simple act
	o altering of the top window means that the user may have
	  to restore it to its original position/size later.

Please send replies directly to me. In case the address doesn't 
come through, its: UUCP: ...!ihnp4!alberta!calgary!greenberg
	Saul Greenberg
	Dept of Computer Science
	University of Calgary,
	Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 
	CANADA (403) 220-7140