[comp.cog-eng] interdisciplinary centers

dean@mind.UUCP (Dean Radin) (12/15/87)

I am Director of the Human Information Processing Group at Princeton
University.  We are a multidepartment effort supporting collaborate research
across the disciplines of social psychology, philosophy, computational
neuroscience, artificial intelligence, mechanical and civil engineering, 
color graphics, psycholinguistics, etc.

I am creating a mailing list of like-minded groups with access to usenet 
to explore the possibility of future multi-lab collaborations or 
co-sponsored conferences.

If you know of, or are located at, an academic or industrial site engaged 
in multi- or interdisciplinary research on human-machine interaction,
or any form of broadly-defined cognitive/computer science, please send email
to ...princeton!mind!dean (i.e., dean@mind.UUCP).  Thanks.

shneider@cui.UUCP (12/23/87)

I'd be interessted in such a mailing list/discussion

We haven't got real center here, but it is maybe going to be one ....

GENAILAB (Genetic and Epistemic AI Lab)
1 professor (Cellierer): Piagetian Epistemology, Cybernetics, Theoretical AI, .
1 senior researcher (Ducret): Piaget, Micro-worlds, ...
1 assistant (Albers): Micro-worls, ...
1 assistant (Maurer): Models of Animals, ...
1 researcher (me) ITS, political modelling
+ students

1 Symbolics, Mac, PC, ....

Our interests are thus: 
 - AI (from Connectionism to Expert Systems)
 - Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind
 - Expert systems, Tutoring Systems, ..
 - Social Science Models

- greetings

Daniel K.Schneider, ISSCO, University of Geneva, 54 route des Acacias,
1227 Carouge (Switzerland), Tel. (..41) (22) 20 93 33 ext. 2116
          -->  to EAN/X400/MHS (on Unix, (preferable :]) :
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