[comp.cog-eng] Not Another vote

bob@chemstor.UUCP (Robert Weigel) (01/23/88)

      Just another biannual reminder that philosophy is a futile game.  It
engages itself in a battle, yet leaves behind the tools needed to win it.
I ask again, who is more foolish?  Him that claims to know truth, or he that
scoffs prejudiciously,....yet searches for it!

don@chemstor.UUCP (Donald Thompson) (01/23/88)

In article <20@chemstor.UUCP> bob@chemstor.UUCP (Bob Weigel) writes:
>      Just another biannual reminder that philosophy is a futile game.  It
>engages itself in a battle, yet leaves behind the tools needed to win it.
>I ask again, who is more foolish?  Him that claims to know truth, or he that
>scoffs prejudiciously,....yet searches for it!

   OK Bob - where did you steal that one? Let's try linear thought once
in awhile shall we?

       "...just give me a ticket to wherever it is."
                                           -Loren Eisley-

rapaport@sunybcs.uucp (William J. Rapaport) (01/25/88)

In article <20@chemstor.UUCP> bob@chemstor.UUCP (Bob Weigel) writes:
>      Just another biannual reminder that philosophy is a futile game.

Hardly.  You might be interested in the following article:

Rapaport, William J., "Unsolvable Problems and Philosophical Progress,"
American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (1982) 289-98.

					William J. Rapaport
					Assistant Professor

Dept. of Computer Science||internet:  rapaport@cs.buffalo.edu
SUNY Buffalo		 ||bitnet:    rapaport@sunybcs.bitnet
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