[comp.cog-eng] Choice between sci.psych and sci.cog-sci

tjhorton@utai.UUCP (Timothy J. Horton) (01/31/88)

Regarding the vote on "time for sci.psych???":

Several people have posted support for a cognitive science newsgroup.
But as it stands, the current vote is only for/against sci.psych --
a general psychology newsgroup.  There appears to be an unaddressed
issue then;  should it be sci.psych or do we really want sci.cog-sci?

Is the majority of support for cognitive science or is it for general
psychology?  If most people voting in favor of a group would prefer to
concentrate on cog sci (ie. reasoning and memory and mental models and
cognitive neuroscience and results from Linguistics and Artificial
Intelligence etc) rather than all of general psychology (including
Rogerian psychology and social adjustment and peer pressure and group
therapy and affect etc), then perhaps voting should be split:

- votes for either group without a preference,
- votes with a preference,
- votes for only one or the other of the groups,
- votes against

Perhaps this requires a second vote.  If Todd doesn't need the hassle, I'll
volunteer to collect them.  Please let me know if there is a perceived need.

I for one have voted for either, with a strong preference for a cog-sci group.


Timothy J Horton (416) 979-3109   tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu (CSnet,UUCP,Bitnet)
Dept of Computer Science          tjhorton@ai.utoronto    (other Bitnet)
University of Toronto,            tjhorton@ai.toronto.cdn (EAN X.400)
Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4           {seismo,watmath}!ai.toronto.edu!tjhorton

todd@uhccux.UUCP (The Perplexed Wiz) (02/02/88)

In article <4235@utai.UUCP> tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu (Timothy J. Horton) writes:
>Regarding the vote on "time for sci.psych???":
>Several people have posted support for a cognitive science newsgroup.
>But as it stands, the current vote is only for/against sci.psych --
>a general psychology newsgroup.  There appears to be an unaddressed
>issue then;  should it be sci.psych or do we really want sci.cog-sci?

Right.  I am only taking votes for/against sci.psych BY MAIL.  I have not
been taking votes for sci.cog-sci (or whatever).  Neither have I been
tallying any votes posted to a newsgroup for/against sci.psych.

FYI: The vote for SCI.PSYCH currently stands at 90 YES/1 NO.  I think that
while it does not strictly hold to the "100 more YEA than NAY" rule, there
is enough interest to request that the group be created.  I will post the
list of YEAs and NAYs and send a message to the net-gods asking that
sci.psychology be created netwide.

In addition, Erik Fair at UCBerkeley has agreed to gateway the INET
sci.psychology messages.  This means that the USENET group will be called
'sci.psychology' instead of 'sci.psych'.

>Perhaps this requires a second vote.  If Todd doesn't need the hassle, I'll
>volunteer to collect them.  Please let me know if there is a perceived need.

My training was in psychophysics and cognition.  I would support a separate
sci.cog-sci group and am willing to count the votes for sci.cog-sci.

I understand that some folks having been having problem getting e-mail to
me.  If you have problems getting e-mail to me (see e-addresses at end of
this message), then you can send your vote bye paper mail to:

	Todd Ogasawara
	University of Hawaii
	Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
	Bachman Hall
	2444 Dole St.
	Honolulu, HI 96822

Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii Faculty Development Program
UUCP:		{ihnp4,uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!todd
ARPA:		uhccux!todd@nosc.MIL		BITNET: todd@uhccux

woods@hao.ucar.edu (Greg Woods) (02/03/88)

In article <1507@uhccux.UUCP> todd@uhccux.UUCP (The Perplexed Wiz) writes:
>FYI: The vote for SCI.PSYCH currently stands at 90 YES/1 NO.  I think that
>while it does not strictly hold to the "100 more YEA than NAY" rule, there
>is enough interest to request that the group be created. 

   I would oppose such a move. What good is having the rules if we don't
even follow them? We have to apply the rules consistently to ALL new group
requests, or they become worse than useless. 100 votes out of all the thousands
of net readers is not a lot to ask for.


tanner@ki4pv.uucp (Dr. T. Andrews) (02/06/88)

In article <1507@uhccux.UUCP> todd@uhccux.UUCP (The Perplexed Wiz) writes:
) FYI: The vote for SCI.PSYCH currently stands at 90 YES/1 NO.  I ...

Well, that sounds like a fair size for a mailing list.  You might as
well set one up.  Don't forget to be in touch with the "backbone
cabal" to have it listed on the famous "list of lists" so that it may
grow and prosper.
{allegra clyde!codas decvax!ucf-cs ihnp4!codas killer}!ki4pv!tanner