[comp.cog-eng] Psychology Journals

tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu ("Timothy J. Horton") (02/28/88)

Can anyone describe the network of journals relating to psychology,
(especially the cognitive side)?  I'm really quite ignorant of it all,
so just about anything might help.

And would there by chance be any (fairly) pop magazines around that
address (in substantial part) cognitive research.

Thanks very much.

Timothy Horton (416) 979-3109     tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu (CSnet,UUCP,Bitnet)
Computer Science                  tjhorton@ai.utoronto    (other Bitnet)
University of Toronto             tjhorton@ai.toronto.cdn (EAN X.400)
Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4           {seismo,watmath}!ai.toronto.edu!tjhorton