[comp.cog-eng] Summary of Journals

tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu ("Timothy J. Horton") (03/07/88)

Thanks to honavar@ai.cs.wisc.edu for providing the bulk of this list.
Journals marked "(*)" received multiple mentions (as many asterisks as
mentions were recieved) and are very likely places to look.

AI Expert
AI Magazine(AAAI)
AI Review
AISB Newsletter
American Journal of Computational Linguistics
Applied Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Behavioral and Brain Science (***)
Biological Cybernetics
Brain Research
Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Brain and Cognition
Brain and Language
British Journal of Psychology
Canadian Artificial Intelligence Newsletter
Canadian Journal of Psychology
Cognition (****)
Cognition and Brain Theory
Cognitive Psychology (*****)
Cognitive Science (******)
Computational Intelligence (Canadian)
Computational Linguistics (former Am.J.of CL)
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
Discourse Processes (**)
Experimental Brain Research
Expert Systems (International Journal of Knowledge Engineering)
Expert Systems Strategies
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Human Factors
Human Intelligence
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
IEEE Expert
IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man, and Cybernetics
Image and Vision Computing
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
International Journal of Man Machine Studies
International Journal of Robotics Resarch
International Journal of Robotics and Automation
Journal of Automated Reasoning
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (***)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory (***)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (****)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (**)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Perception and Performance (**)
Journal of Logic Programming
Journal of Memory and Language
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior (***)
Journal of the Optical Society of America: Optics & Image Science		
Linguistics Inquiry
Linguistics and Philosophy
Machine Learning
Memory and Cognition (****)
Neural Networks
New Generation Computing
Optics Letters
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition Letters
Perception and Psychophysics (***)
Phil.Trans.of Royal Soc. of London, Series B
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Review (***)
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Robotics Age
Robotics Today
SIGART Newsletter
Spatial Vision
Vision Research

"FAVORITE" JOURNALS: (subset of the above)

Behavioral and Brain Science (***)
British Journal of Psychology
Canadian Journal of Psychology
Cognition (***)
Cognitive Psychology (****)
Cognitive Science (*****)
Discourse Processes (**)
Human Factors (Sometimes)
Journal of Educational Psychology (sometimes)
Journal of Experimental Psych: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (**)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory (**)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (***)
Journal of Memory and Language
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior (**)
Memory and Cognition (***)
Perception and Psychophysics (**)
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Review  (**)
Psychology Today (occasionally)
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

The "Psychological Bulletin" was a recommended place to start, as
it contains literature reviews. The "Psychological Review" was also
very highly recommended.

Psychological Abstracts
Psychology Today - for "pop" articles
"tons of perception journals and psycholinguistics journals"
MIT Press has just started another journal on Cognitive Neuroscience

The best "pop" book is "The Mind's New Science" by Howard Gardner.
A slightly more technical one (the only real introductory text in the field)
is "Cognitive Science", edited by Neil Stillings, and published by MIT Press.
There are also interesting snipits in the Encyclopedia of AI and in Machlup's
"The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages".

Other books mentioned:
Cognition, M. I. Posner
Cognitive Psychology, J. Anderson
Human Information Processing, Lindsey, Norman & Rumelhart