[comp.cog-eng] Hirsch, Cultural Literacy

rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (08/19/88)

In article <1043@mmm.UUCP> cipher@mmm.UUCP (Andre Guirard) writes:
>I've just been reading the book, "Cultural Literacy," by E. D. Hirsch, Jr.

I've heard that someone was working on a project to create some sort of
database/knowledge-representation of the appendix to Hirsch's book.
Does anyone have any info on this project?

					William J. Rapaport
					Assistant Professor

Dept. of Computer Science||internet:  rapaport@cs.buffalo.edu
SUNY Buffalo		 ||bitnet:    rapaport@sunybcs.bitnet
Buffalo, NY 14260	 ||uucp: {decvax,watmath,rutgers}!sunybcs!rapaport
(716) 636-3193, 3180     ||fax:  (716) 636-3464