[comp.cog-eng] Undergraduate Cognitive Psychology/Science Texts?

fordjm@byuvax.bitnet (08/30/88)

I am going to teach an undergraduate course in Cognitive Psychology
this Winter.  Most of the students will have already had a Sensation
and Perception course and perhaps an Experimental Analysis of Behavior
class as well.  Can anyone recommend a text for this course?  This is
the first time I have taught it and I am interested in what texts have
(or have not) worked well in the past.

I would like to give the students a good basic introduction to
Cognitive Psych. accompanied by some treatment of the larger scope of
Cognitive Science and a brief exposure to one or two applied areas,
such as Instructional Design and/or Human-Computer Interaction.  This
is a one-semester three-credit course. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.  I will post a summary of responses.

John M. Ford              <fordjm@byuvax.bitnet>
131 Starcrest Drive       (801)  224-3974
Orem, UT 84058