[comp.cog-eng] CFP: 2nd Generation Expert Systems

david@crcge1.UUCP (Marc David) (09/26/88)

Ninth International Workshop: Expert Systems & their Applications
Avignon - France, May 29 - June 2, 1989.

Specialized Conference on:


                     Call  for  Papers

Following the first session on  Second Generation  Expert Systems
organized during the 12th IMACS Congress (Paris, July 18-22, 88),
a second specialized conference is organized during Avignon'89.

Second Generation Expert Systems are able  to  combine  heuristic
reasoning  with deeper reasoning, based on a model of the problem
domain.  The conference will emphasize practical and  theoretical
issues  relating to the cooperation of these two kinds of reason-


 - integration of different reasoning techniques;
 - architecture (preferably implemented) for combining  heuristic
reasoning and model-based reasoning;
 - cooperation of multiple expertise;
 - application of cooperative reasoning  to  real-world  problems
(e.g. diagnosis, control, planing, design);
 - the use of qualitative, causal  or  temporal  reasoning  tech-
niques to augment heuristic reasoning;
 - integration of qualitative and quantitative reasoning.

In addition to technical quality, papers  will  be  evaluated  by
their  potential  to  contribute to achieving the goals of Second
Generation Expert Systems.


Submit 6 copies of full-length papers (no longer than 5000 words;
about 20 double-spaced pages) before December 12, 1988 to:
          Jean-Claude Rault - Avignon'89;
          EC2; 269-287 rue de la Garenne
          92000  Nanterre; France

          tel: 33 - 1 -
          fax: 33 - 1 -


chairman: Jean-Marc  David
          Laboratoires de Marcoussis
          route de Nozay
          91460  Marcoussis; France
          tel: 33 - 1 -
          fax: 33 - 1 -

 Alice  Agogino   (University of California at Berkeley; USA);
 Bert  Bredeweg   (University of Amsterdam; The Netherlands);
 B.  Chandrasekaran   (Ohio State University; USA);
 Marie-Odile  Cordier   (Universite de Rennes; France);
 Jean-Luc  Dormoy   (Etudes et Recherches EDF; France);
 Jean-Paul  Krivine   (Sedco Forex Schlumberger; France);
 Benjamin  Kuipers   (University of Texas at Austin; USA);
 Robert  Milne   (Intelligent Applications; UK);
 Richard  Pelavin   (Philips Laboratories; USA);
 Olivier  Raiman   (Centre Scientifique IBM; France);
 Reid  Simmons   (Carnegie-Mellon University; USA);
 Luc  Steels   (Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Belgium);
 Jon  Sticklen   (Michigan State University; USA);
 Pietro  Torasso   (Universita di Torino; Italy);
 Louise  Trave   (LAAS-CNRS; France).

jbn@glacier.STANFORD.EDU (John B. Nagle) (09/30/88)

      Do any working and useful "second generation expert systems" actually
exist?  Or are these guys just looking for new suckers to pour money in?

					John Nagle

bstev@pnet12.cts.com (Barry Stevens) (10/01/88)

jbn@glacier.STANFORD.EDU (John B. Nagle) writes:
>      Do any working and useful "second generation expert systems" actually
>exist?  Or are these guys just looking for new suckers to pour money in?
>					John Nagle

I have experimented with a generalized model of a large datacenter as a
driver for a diagnostic expert system, to answer questions such as "Why did
my job fail?" "Why is response time slow?" "Who has to be told that I'm
going to change program xyz?" "Why are we over budget?" "Where are there
opportunities to decrease operating costs?"

The rules have been constructed, some testing done. Waiting for me to have
time to deal with the complexities of asking english language questions
instead of selecting from menus. Working? Sort of. Useful? Not yet.

Since I'm not schooled in the scientific aspects of these things, I am not
sure whether this sort of thing qualifies as a part of this discussion.

UUCP: {crash ncr-sd}!pnet12!bstev
ARPA: crash!pnet12!bstev@nosc.mil
INET: bstev@pnet12.cts.com