[comp.cog-eng] Object Oriented database mgmt

rome@crash.cts.com (Sean Rome) (10/21/88)

I've recently been introduced to the concept  of object-oriented
database management, but only very superficially.

It seems like an intriguing field, and I'm eager to find out more
about it.

Q: What are the primary advantages/disadvantages when compared to
   traditional relational or network DBMSs ?

Q: What types of data manipulation options do you gain by going the 
   object oriented route ?  What do you lose ?

Q: What problem areas lend themselves most readily to object
   oriented dbms solutions ?

Q: How does an object oriented query (or report) differ from its
   relational counterpart ?

Essentially, I'm brand new to the technology.
I would greatly appreciate any answers/opinions about the above
questions and any pointers to introductory literature.

Please e-mail responses to me here or call me collect at

   (619) 455-1398


               Sean Rome