[comp.cog-eng] subliminal feedback

chac@aratar.UUCP (Chuck Clanton) (11/16/88)

i would like to know what other people think about an issue that
don norman provoked me into thinking about...

the question has to do with the nature of feedback.  any good tool
provides feedback as you use it, for example you feel the hammer's
position in your hand as you are pounding nails.  this feedback is
different in kind, i believe, from the information a tool may be
designed to provide.  for example, i should be able to read a measurement
off of a ruler easily and quickly.  that is what it is designed for.
i may know very little about what makes a good hammer.  for example, i
know that the balance should be right, but i have no idea what "right"
means except by feel.  clearly its balance is not information that the
hammer is intended to provide information about, rather it is intended 
to have balance as a property of its usage. 

so, we can categorize the information derived from a tool into two
categories.  the first, what i tend to call feedback, serves the specific
purpose of making the tool easier to use, more comforting, less tiring,
and less error prone.  it is more a property than an intention.  the 
second, what i tend to call the display data though this term is 
misleadingly descriptive (suggestions?), is unrelated to the first and 
has to do with providing the information the tool is designed to provide
its user.  this property may be very complex.  for example, larry tesler
has pointed out that the tracking properties for a mouse during selections
on the screen should include hysteresis during tracking, and careful
disregard of the final mouse movement during a button up.  chris crawford
provided very realistic ballistics in his atari game of Tank, and believes
that complexity was important.  these cases illustrate that complex
feedback properties can simplify and enliven the use of some tool.  unlike
a complex display of data, well-designed but complex feedback may reduce
the apparent complexity of the interface.

here is the issue that brought this up.  i have been using workstations
with multiple windows for years.  the first one i used, a long time ago,
provided feedback about my current window (the window receiving my typing)
that was sufficiently subtle that i was rarely conscious of it, but 
sufficiently apparent that i almost never made any mistakes.  so, my
awareness of my current window was subliminal.  i was not even aware of
the fact that i needed to pay attention to this.  of course, the first 
few times i used this system, i noticed (and learned) the cues.  after
that it was second nature, as the feedback from a good tool should usually
be, i think.  my current windowing system has inadequate feedback.  i
often start typing when i think i am in one window, and i am actually
in another (keyboard focus errors).  it does provide feedback...if i look 
at the cursor or the window border, i see the information displayed.  but
it is not easily obtained, and i miss the cues often.  

here is what i conclude.  in general, when designing an object to display 
data, i expect that the user wants the information and will acquire it
intentionally.  it should be displayed so that it is easy to obtain when
the user makes the effort to acquire it.  however, when designing an object
for the user to work with, its feedback properties should by and large
be very quiet.  that is, i would like the user to always know what he or
she needs to know while using this object, without ever making any effort
to acquire that information.  the needed information should be provided as
feedback that requires no added effort to obtain, no intent.  

Chuck Clanton
Seilergasse 8
CH-4500 Solothurn

trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo) (11/17/88)

In article <318@aratar.UUCP> chac@aratar.UUCP (Chuck Clanton) writes:
>here is what i conclude.  in general, when designing an object to display 
>data, i expect that the user wants the information and will acquire it
>intentionally.  it should be displayed so that it is easy to obtain when
>the user makes the effort to acquire it.  however, when designing an object
>for the user to work with, its feedback properties should by and large
>be very quiet.  that is, i would like the user to always know what he or
>she needs to know while using this object, without ever making any effort
>to acquire that information.  the needed information should be provided as
>feedback that requires no added effort to obtain, no intent.  

Excuse the sarcasm, but...
one excellent tool for displaying data is typed English text.  By your
own criteria, ease of acquisition, etc., writers ought to take
advantage of well-overlearned features of typed text, such as
capitalization of proper pronouns and the first word in a sentence.
Seriously, I always find that it requires more effort to read text
without capitalization than with it.  This issue needn't bear directly
on the questions you raise about feedback, although one might argue
that capitalization provides a kind of positional feedback cue for the
eye movement system during reading.

Extending this concept to windows on computers, the symbols (cursors, borders,
backgrounds, even colors?) which serve as a form of pictorial punctuation
for the user, ought to be standardized soon so that the same kind of
automaticity that develops in reading behavior will develop for window
interactions.  Perhaps the merits of automaticity in "window-reading"
by early adoption of standards would outweigh the advantages of
contiued refinements of window features.

				L. J. T.

ARPANET : trejo@nprdc.arpa 	UUCP:	ucsd!nprdc!trejo

Phone: (619) 553-7981		Postal Address:	Leonard J. Trejo, Ph. D.
       (AV)  553-7981				NPRDC 
						Code 14
						San Diego, CA 92152-6800

norman@sdics.ucsd.EDU (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) (11/18/88)

A comment on Chuck Clanton's comment on feedback.  The issue arose
from a private set of communicatins he and I had over his earlier
posting of a question about the "focus": problem -- how to specify
which window is active so that the user would not make the (common)
mode error of intending to operate upon the contens of one window, but
because it had not been formally selected, having the actionstake
effect upon another window.

Clanton thought the indicator ought to be subtle and "subliminal."  I
suggested it should be fairly significant and available to conscious
knowledge.  But the signal should not be overwhelming in magnitude,
	1. the signal should not distract (flashing the selected
	  window would be a very poor solution);
	2. The non-selected windows should still be easy to use,
	  because one often is reading from or otherwise using the
	  material in the non-selected windows while working in the
	  selected one.

So, this leads to the very important set of questions Chuck Clanton
just asked in his last contribution.

The goal is to make the properties of the system obvious enough that
the new user can learn them (hence the need for signals that are
consciously available), yet subtle enough that the frequent user does
not have the normal work interfered with, so that the usage is
automatic, and, as a result, the user is not consciously aware of them.
This is a difficult and delicate question: providing just the level of
information that can serve these two different requirements.

A very good topic.

don norman

Donald A. Norman	[ danorman@ucsd.edu   BITNET: danorman@ucsd ]
Department of Cognitive Science C-015
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California 92093 USA

UNIX:  {gatech,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!ucsd!danorman
[e-mail paths often fail: please give postal address and all e-mail addresses.]

trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo) (11/20/88)

In article <651@sdics.ucsd.EDU> norman@sdics.UUCP (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) writes:
>Clanton thought the indicator ought to be subtle and "subliminal."  I
>suggested it should be fairly significant and available to conscious
>knowledge.  But the signal should not be overwhelming in magnitude,
>	1. the signal should not distract (flashing the selected
>	  window would be a very poor solution);
>	2. The non-selected windows should still be easy to use,
>	  because one often is reading from or otherwise using the
>	  material in the non-selected windows while working in the
>	  selected one.
>So, this leads to the very important set of questions Chuck Clanton
>just asked in his last contribution.
>The goal is to make the properties of the system obvious enough that
>the new user can learn them (hence the need for signals that are
>consciously available), yet subtle enough that the frequent user does
>not have the normal work interfered with, so that the usage is
>automatic, and, as a result, the user is not consciously aware of them.
>This is a difficult and delicate question: providing just the level of
>information that can serve these two different requirements.
>A very good topic.
I agree that this is an important topic for discussion.  Now feeling
a bit guitly for jumping on Chuck's style versus content, I'd like to 
try to contribute something (sorry, Chuck!).

One thing that is becoming increasingly clear in vision research is the
value of color for defining objects against their backgrounds.  Color
is frequently abused in many displays but it does appear to
significantly improve performance for two kinds of things: defining
the extent of an object in the scene and for rapid search for objects
distinguished from the background by color contrast.  The first of
these factors is greatly aided by color and lightness constancies,
which operate to keep objects perceptually unitary in spite of
significant variations in the light being emitted or reflected from
them.  This applies to CRT displays where we can easily ignore large
gradual brightness fluctuations between the center and the edges.  In
addition, research has shown that searching based on large color
differences is essentially automatic.

For these reasons I'd expect that assignment of a unique background
color to the active window would be superior to peripheral spatial cues
(e.g., borders) or to temporal cues (e.g., flicker--I agree with Don
Norman that this would be distracting).  Many unobtrusive, yet easily
discriminable color contrast combinations exist that would work for
nearly all observers including those with red-green color deficiency.
In order to avoid strong luminance contrasts between different
windows--which could produce shifts in light adaptation levels and
afterimages as the observer reads different areas-- the designer could
use white for unselected windows and an isoluminant amber, blue, or
other suitable shade for the selected window.  The degree of saturation
needed to distinguish the selected window needn't be so large as to
produce colored afterimages when looked away from (in fact colors on
CRTs are rarely saturated enough to do this).

A big problem is the increased cost of high resolution color displays
as compared to monochrome.  But in its proper sense, "color" includes
different shades of white.  Therefore, it may be possible to choose a
gray background which is easily discriminable from that of the rest of
the display but which maintains enough luminance contrast to provide
for unimpaired reading.   One design would be to have black text on
white background in the active window and white on black elsewhere.
But having large differences between the different background areas on
the display would impair legibility.  A better design might use maximum
contrast in the active window and 90% contrast in other windows.  A bit
of experimentation could determuine good contrast differences.  

I don't think we can eliminate borders--they will define the edges of
windows much better than color contrast.

			L. J. T.

ARPANET : trejo@nprdc.arpa 	UUCP:	ucsd!nprdc!trejo

Phone: (619) 553-7981		Postal Address:	Leonard J. Trejo, Ph. D.
       (AV)  553-7981				NPRDC 
						Code 14
						San Diego, CA 92152-6800

nick@hp-sdd.HP.COM (Nick Flor) (11/20/88)

Chuck Clanton writes (>)

>here is what i conclude.  in general, when designing an object to display 
>data, i expect that the user wants the information and will acquire it
>intentionally.  it should be displayed so that it is easy to obtain when
>the user makes the effort to acquire it.  

Easy to obtain and understand...

>however, when designing an object for the user to work with, its feedback 
>properties should by and large be very quiet.  

But what does that mean?  If it's "quiet", you'll never notice the feedback.
When my mouse pointer isn't on the proper window, it's being quiet and yet 
this property doesn't insure that "focus" errors won't occur.  Clearly,
a mouse pointer not being in the window the user wants to work in is
quiet, but not good, feedback.  (You even mentioned that the information for
the windowing system you were using was on the side of the window and
you often missed it.  This is quiet feedback...)

I feel that the feedback necessary to operate the tool correctly, i.e.
the operational feedback, should be "loud" yet not interfere that much with
the user's acquisition of data from the tool, i.e. informational feedback.  
Also, the operational feedback should be apparent in the visual area of 

I think the problem is coming up with operational feedback that don't
interfere with the informational feedback.  I think some good examples are:

a) Ghosting the non-active windows.  This is the approach my Amiga takes.
   (ghosting is only displaying every other pixel)
b) Making the non-active windows have a red background, or rather a background
   color different from the active window.
c) Flashing the border of the non-active windows.

> Chuck Clanton

Or maybe we're just arguing about semantics...


nick@hp-sdd.HP.COM (Nick Flor) (11/20/88)

In article <651@sdics.ucsd.EDU> norman@sdics.UUCP (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) writes:
>The goal is to make the properties of the system obvious enough that
>the new user can learn them (hence the need for signals that are
>consciously available), yet subtle enough that the frequent user does
>not have the normal work interfered with, so that the usage is
>automatic, and, as a result, the user is not consciously aware of them.
>This is a difficult and delicate question: providing just the level of
>information that can serve these two different requirements.

But if the operational feedback doesn't interfere with the informational
feedback, then the expert user doesn't really care if these beginner feedback
mechanisms exist or not.  I don't feel the problem involves figuring
out what level of feedback to provide, as much as it involves figuring
out how to place the feedback mechanisms so that they don't interfere
with the expert user.

For instance, the terminal emulator program I am using has the name of the
terminal emulator in the title bar of the window.  I don't need that 
feedback, but I don't mind it being there.  I still have an 80X24 line
non-obscured display.  Of course I'd take exception if it was in the
middle of the display, or cut my working area to 60X24 lines.


marty@homxc.UUCP (M.B.BRILLIANT) (11/22/88)

In article <651@sdics.ucsd.EDU>, norman@sdics.ucsd.EDU (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) writes:
> A comment on Chuck Clanton's comment on feedback.  The issue arose
> from a private set of communicatins he and I had over his earlier
> posting of a question about the "focus": problem -- how to specify
> which window is active so that the user would not make the (common)
> mode error of intending to operate upon the contens of one window, but
> because it had not been formally selected, having the actionstake
> effect upon another window.
> .....
> The goal is to make the properties of the system obvious enough that
> the new user can learn them (hence the need for signals that are
> consciously available), yet subtle enough that the frequent user does
> not have the normal work interfered with, so that the usage is
> automatic, and, as a result, the user is not consciously aware of them.

Two points an experienced (I won't say ``expert'') user would like to make.

In the first place:  Except for the first day, it isn't the new users
who make focus errors.  It's the expert users who have become so
familiar with the system as to do things without much thought.  The key
term in the first paragraph is ``formally selected.''  Inexperenced
users are careful to keep the formal requirements of the system in
mind; experienced users keep in mind the work they use the system for.

In the second place:  Experienced users could work faster if they did
not have to ``formally select'' the window to be worked in.  A smart
system would know which window the user is looking at, just as a person
at a meeting can tell which member or members of the group the talker
is talking to.

For now, we have to put the burden on the user to know which window the
stupid machine expects input for.  As a goal, let's put the burden on
the machine to figure out what the user wants.  Ever since computer
programming began, it has been a truism that the machine ``does what
you tell it, not what you want.''  When will we advance beyond that?

M. B. Brilliant					Marty
AT&T-BL HO 3D-520	(201) 949-1858
Holmdel, NJ 07733	att!houdi!marty1

Disclaimer: Opinions stated herein are mine unless and until my employer
	    explicitly claims them; then I lose all rights to them.

ok@quintus.uucp (Richard A. O'Keefe) (11/23/88)

In article <4294@homxc.UUCP> marty@homxc.UUCP (M.B.BRILLIANT) writes:
>In the second place:  Experienced users could work faster if they did
>not have to ``formally select'' the window to be worked in.  A smart
>system would know which window the user is looking at

That isn't always the window I want selected, though.  If my mailbox window
flashes to indicate new mail, I'll look at it, but most of the time I'll
stay with the window I'm working in.  In a similar vein, when using a Sun
I have click-to-type set, because when using non-mouse-oriented things I
like to shove the mouse out of the way, and would be very frustrated if
that deselected the window.

rogerh@arizona.edu (Roger Hayes) (12/02/88)

In article <1073@arctic.nprdc.arpa> trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo) 
suggests background color as a cue to mark the active window.
It might be good to use a blue tint to mark the inactive window,
as blue tends to recede visually (as in "atmospheric perspective").
Note that stippling is an approximation to coloring.

I think the effect we want is a difference which is just above a
"just-noticable-difference".  We want (or at least I think that I would
like) a difference which is perceptible if looked for, so that it is
accessible consciously, but which does not intrude, so that it
can be treated as a subliminal cue by experts. 

I like the idea of a color change as it does not require a change
in focus to determine the active window.  A border change requires
a change in focus to read, as does a change in the titlebar.

				Roger Hayes

chac@aratar.UUCP (Chuck Clanton) (12/07/88)

i found everyone's comments about my posting on subliminal feedback 
most interesting.  i had not recognized that this is primarily an expert 
user interface issue, as pointed out by nick flor, though obviously that
is indeed so.  i also liked his use of the words "operational vs
informational feedback".  i believe that my original question was well 
answered by don norman--the ideal operational feedback should be sufficiently
obvious that it is readily available to conscious knowledge for the novice
learning it and sufficiently non-distracting (quiet) that it can readily
become subliminal for the expert.  (hope i am not putting unintended words
in your mouth, don.)  as he says, it is the designer's art to find this 
balance.  this seems like the opposite of a "just noticable difference" 
phenomena.  in some sense i would like the most available possible
feedback for the novice that can somehow also be the least distracting to
the expert.  the example i mentioned was operational feedback indicating the 
current focus window.  several responses clarified this specific situation 
for me.

while don norman and leonard trejo both pointed out the disadvantage of
temporal feedback like flicker or flashing the window, i tried it before
reading their comments.  my theory was that central (foveal) vision is
primarily designed for high acuity static visual perception, and peripheral
vision is designed primarily for recognition of movement (which provokes
orientation toward the movement).  so, if a peripheral stimuli can be used,
it should probably be changing rather than a static border difference for
example.  i implemented a marquis border in several different patterns
and speeds.  my anecdotal report is...ugh, they are right.  it is far too
distracting, and this distracting effect attenuates very slowly.

however i dont find that static border differences (as used by X windows) 
are an adequate solution.  that is precisely the environment where i have 
been observing focus errors for over a year in a small number of highly 
experienced programmers.  (i have noticed that on a 14" screen i make fewer 
focus errors than on a 17" screen with the same number of pixels.  this adds 
to my suspicion that the information needs to be presented within foveal 
vision.)  i also do not think any cursor effects can be the solution. to 
explain why, let me state my assumptions which were not clear before.  i 
am interested in environments where several different applications are 
likely to be running concurrently in different windows.  the selection of
the focus window, and the display information which indicates the focus 
window, should be handled by the window manager not the application.  this 
operational feedback must not interfere with the informational feedback.
many replies assumed that windows contain text and the color of that text 
and its background can be freely changed.  this is a very limited subset of
all interesting applications.  many applications are likely to use color 
and cursor shapes as part of their informational feedback.   these cannot
be safely overridden by the window manager to provide operational feedback.  

logically, it seems to me that the places to look for operational feedback
are outside the window (the border) and "over" the window.  the former
has the problem of distance from the direction of gaze (which worsens with
larger windows and screens), so it is too quiet to meet our initial criteria
of balancing availability with minimal distraction.  that leaves us with
"over" the window.  in my experience, stippling with a sparse grid of dots
has worked on monochrome screens with primarily text based applications.  
(presumably the dots should be somewhat closer together than the diameter
of foveal vision).  i am not surprised to hear that ghosting also works.  
however, i am not sure how well either of these work with applications 
using color to provide important information.  and how do you select the 
color of the stipple?  to avoid disappearing, it should be a contrasting 
color, but if the window contains a highly patterned object, it is not 
clear that merely picking a contrasting color for each ghosted or stippled 
dot is adequate.  any thoughts?  and of course, by definition, a stipple
will interfere with informational feedback, is it reasonable to assume
that for all reasonable applications, the interference of a sparse stipple 
is slight enough to be an acceptable choice?