[comp.cog-eng] The Window Focus Problem

norman@sdics.ucsd.EDU (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) (12/09/88)

In thinking over Chuck Clanton's excellent summary of the issues and
findings of his experiments on the "window focus" problem, it occurred
to me that all of this may simply be a reflection of our current
primative technology.  In many ways, the use of multiple windows is
like the multiple work areas and stacks of papers on our desks.  I
have many piles of paper on my desk and shelves, but when I wish to
add some thoughts to one working paper, I never make the mistake of
writing onto the wrong paper.  This is because in the real world,
there is a direct coupling between the item being worked on and the
tools and place of working.  With most of today's computer systems,
there is a decoupling of these: the work area is on the screen, but
the tool is a mouse or keyboard on the desk.
	When we reach the point of having high-resolution, touch and
stylus sensitive work surfaces mounted within the desk (or like a
clipboard), then the entire problem will disappear, because when we
will wish to work on one task, we will write directly onto the screen
representation for that task.

     (And thinking of the issue this way makes me realize that it is
     exactly what Steve Draper was referring to in his chapter on
     "inter-referential i-o," this horrible name meaning the relationship
     between what is referred to by the input and the output: in direct
     manipulation (DM) systems, the input and the output are the same.  My
     pen working on the manuscript on the table is this kind of a DM
     system.  My mouse-based window-driven Macintosh is a mimic of a DM
     system, but it loses in directness because of the loose coupling
     between the place on which I do my actions (the keyboard and mouse)
     and the place on which the output occurs (the window).  Which is why
     my input sometimes go to the wrong place.

     Draper, S.  (1986). Display managers as the basis for user-machine
     communication.  In D. A. Norman & S. W. Draper (Eds.), User centered
     system design.  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Donald A. Norman	[ danorman@ucsd.edu   BITNET: danorman@ucsd ]
Department of Cognitive Science C-015
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California 92093 USA
UNIX:  {gatech,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!ucsd!danorman
[e-mail paths often fail: please give postal address and all e-mail addresses.]

johnm@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (John Murray) (12/13/88)

In article <663@sdics.ucsd.EDU>, norman@sdics.ucsd.EDU (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) writes:
> I have many piles of paper on my desk and shelves, but when I wish to
> add some thoughts to one working paper, I never make the mistake of
> writing onto the wrong paper.

I don't think I agree here. When in a hurry (to note a phone number or
something), I find myself scribbling on the corner of a convenient
piece of paper without checking whether it should be "defaced" or not.
It seems there are circumstances where (some) people use whatever is
to hand - usually those who don't keep Postit pads all around them!
Of course, this is a case where one's attention is elsewhere; I usually
"add some thoughts" to the right paper, as Don says (assuming I can
find it!).

Given the subject line of this discussion, I find it odd that no-one
has mentioned the possibility of actually de-focussing the non-active
windows. I envision making them fuzzy enough to be difficult to read,
but not so much that changes and incoming messages could not be noticed.
For many terminal displays, the resolution may not be good enough to
achieve the right effect, but I haven't heard of anyone trying the idea.

- John Murray, Amdahl Corp., Sunnyvale, CA    (408) 746 6282

trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo) (12/14/88)

In article <dfaFK09aNA1010vk5y2@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com> johnm@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (John Murray) writes:
>Given the subject line of this discussion, I find it odd that no-one
>has mentioned the possibility of actually de-focussing the non-active
>windows. I envision making them fuzzy enough to be difficult to read,
>but not so much that changes and incoming messages could not be noticed.
>For many terminal displays, the resolution may not be good enough to
>achieve the right effect, but I haven't heard of anyone trying the idea.

In my second contribution to this discussion I suggested that lowering
the contrast in unselected portions of the display might be an
effective way of perceptually segregating those portions from the
selected area, which would remain at normal contrast.  Lowering
contrast would be easier to achieve than simulated blurring on most displays
since only moderate gray-scale resoution--not high spatial resolution--is
required.  I think physical blurring of selected display areas under
software control is not technologically possible now.  Nor do I think
it ought to be, since all blurring would do is lower contrast at
critical spatial frequencies anyway.  Finally, blurring might
affect visual performance more adversely than a direct contrast
adjustment if it selectively attenuates contrast at spatial 
frequencies that serve as cues for accomodation--but this is probably
an empirical issue.

Overall, I've found the discussions very interesting.  I'd like to
comment soon about the issue of differential effects of wavelength
on physiological measures.  However, I'm afraid I'll have to wait
until I have a bit more disposable time.

			L. J. T.

ARPANET:  trejo@nprdc.arpa 	UUCP:	ucsd!nprdc!trejo

Phone: (619) 553-7981		Postal Address:	Leonard J. Trejo, Ph. D.
       (AV)  553-7981				NPRDC 
						Code 141
						San Diego, CA 92152-6800

emoffatt@cognos.uucp (Eric Moffatt) (12/15/88)

In article <dfaFK09aNA1010vk5y2@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com> johnm@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (John Murray) writes:
  [stuff deleted]
>Given the subject line of this discussion, I find it odd that no-one
>has mentioned the possibility of actually de-focussing the non-active
>windows. I envision making them fuzzy enough to be difficult to read,
>but not so much that changes and incoming messages could not be noticed.
>For many terminal displays, the resolution may not be good enough to
>achieve the right effect, but I haven't heard of anyone trying the idea.

I too have never seen anything on this. It certainly is not used in any
interface I have ever encountered. We have discussed the problem here,
however, in relation to a multi-window application I'm doing the UI for
so I can give a couple of possible implementations for interested parties:

DE-FOCUS vers 1.0:

	a) Pick a dithering pattern of a desired density (amout of "defocus").

	b) BLT the pattern to the WHOLE screen using INVERT raster op.

	c) BLT the pattern again ONLY in the areas which have "Focus".

	The result is that the areas with focus are "clear" while the rest
	of the screen is "smeared". Note that this implementation does not
	need to know ANYTHING about the status of the other areas of the
	screen. This version could be used on monochrome devices.

DE-FOCUS vers 2.0

	a) reserve a bitplane (ie. the highest) for this purpose.

	b) arrange the colour lookup table so that all colours which have '1'
		in the selected bitplane are "full colour" while those colours which
		have '0' are shown at some %age of the desired "full" colour.

   c) Draw a FILLED RECT on the selected bitplane (only) over the areas
		which have "focus"

   The result is a variable contrast adjustment (0-100% of "full colour")
	over ANY AREA of the screen. You could just as easily "hilite" circles,
	polygons, individual lines...   It's a little expensive (costs half your
	colours) but produces a nice controllable "Fader" effect.

Note that both these examples effectively do the same operation; they
"dim/blurr" the WHOLE screen and then "hilight" are desired areas. This
allows window focus to be accomplished only knowing about the window to
be focused, not ALL the windows.

Eric (Pixel Pusher) Moffatt

P.S.   While I'm posting, does anybody have any ideas on how to reflect that
	  a given window is "Out of Date" (ie. MAY contain invalid data) ??

Eric Moffatt - Cognos Incorporated:                3755 Riverside Drive
Voice: (613)738-1440 (Research) FAX: (613)738-0002 P.O. Box 9707
uucp: uunet!mitel!sce!cognos!emoffatt              Ottawa, Ontario,
arpa/internet: emoffatt%cognos.uucp@uunet.uu.net   CANADA  K1G 3Z4

wex@banzai-inst.sw.mcc.com (Alan Wexelblat) (12/15/88)

In article <1168@arctic.nprdc.arpa>, trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo)
suggests that we help focus by some sort of reduced-contrast or blurring
scheme.  I just wanted to point out that the user's focus is not always so
simple as the-window-where-the-mouse-currently-sits.

For example, I frequently have tasks running in two or more windows at once.
I then use a buffering interface (such as more(1)) to allow me to control
the rate at which information is presented in one window while I type/take
action in another window.  Even though my cursor remains most of the time in
the latter window, I would be extremely annoyed by a system that reduced my
ability to read other windows.

In summary - let's not get so hung up on focus that we forget why we
invented multi-window systems in the first place.

--Alan Wexelblat      ARPA: WEX@MCC.COM
                      UUCP: {rutgers, uunet, &c}!cs.utexas.edu!milano!wex

The only problem is:  what do you do when they come back with the broom?

garye@hpdsla.HP.COM (Gary Ericson) (12/20/88)

> For example, I frequently have tasks running in two or more windows at once.
> ...
> Even though my cursor remains most of the time in
> the latter window, I would be extremely annoyed by a system that reduced my
> ability to read other windows.
> --Alan Wexelblat

I agree that de-focusing all windows but *the one I'm using* would probably be 
annoying.  What about using some optical tricks to give a 3D *look* to the
display so that windows on top seem to be *closer* than ones underneath?  For
instance using shadows and/or making the windows in the back smaller (including
the font size) - the ones furthest back would be the smallest, and the user
could choose how quickly windows got smaller (i.e., the *depth* of his overall
display), and two windows side-by-side would be the same size.

Gary Ericson - Hewlett-Packard, Technical Systems Division
               phone: (408)746-5098  mailstop: 101N  email: gary@hpdsla9.hp.com

trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo) (12/21/88)

In article <1730@banzai-inst.sw.mcc.com> wex@banzai-inst.sw.mcc.com (Alan Wexelblat) writes:
>In article <1168@arctic.nprdc.arpa>, trejo@nprdc.arpa (Leonard J. Trejo)
>suggests that we help focus by some sort of reduced-contrast or blurring
>scheme.  I just wanted to point out that the user's focus is not always so
>simple as the-window-where-the-mouse-currently-sits.
>For example, I frequently have tasks running in two or more windows at once.
>I then use a buffering interface (such as more(1)) to allow me to control
>the rate at which information is presented in one window while I type/take
>action in another window.  Even though my cursor remains most of the time in
>the latter window, I would be extremely annoyed by a system that reduced my
>ability to read other windows.
>In summary - let's not get so hung up on focus that we forget why we
>invented multi-window systems in the first place.

I think this is a very good point.  Perceptual segregation schemes of
the figure-ground variety, such as my color/contrast suggestion for
windows, should not ignore task-related associations between different
windows on the screen.  Of course, my original proposal did not necessarily
imply that readability would be significantly reduced in unselected 
windows, but I did ignore the possibility of task-related associations 
between windows.  Perhaps in the situation that Alan Wexelblat
describes the window which supports information processing in the
active (e.g., mouse-containing) window could be tagged with the same
color background or achromatic contrast level as the active window
itself.  In general, a group of windows defined by relationship to
a specific task could all be marked the same way.  This brings us back,
then, to the need for a unique marker for the active window.  Hmmm.
Perhaps in such cases we could have the active window stand out in 
space using binocular depth cues.  However, I think were at least 10
years away from having 3D displays on ordinary workstations.

I wonder what others' frequency of task-related window groupings is?  I 
have encountered two-window groupings in my work.  Can't say I've 
ever had three.

			L. J. T.

ARPANET : trejo@nprdc.arpa 	UUCP:	ucsd!nprdc!trejo

Phone: (619) 553-7981		Postal Address:	Leonard J. Trejo, Ph. D.
       (AV)  553-7981				NPRDC 
						Code 14
						San Diego, CA 92152-6800

steven@kylie.oz (Steven Sweeting) (12/22/88)

>In article <dfaFK09aNA1010vk5y2@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com> johnm@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (John Murray) writes:
>DE-FOCUS vers 2.0
>	a) reserve a bitplane (ie. the highest) for this purpose.
>	b) arrange the colour lookup table so that all colours which have '1'
>	in the selected bitplane are "full colour" while those colours which
>	have '0' are shown at some %age of the desired "full" colour.
>       c) Draw a FILLED RECT on the selected bitplane (only) over the areas
>	which have "focus"

I implemented this on an Amiga with a slight twist.  I used the extra
bitplane to give a different background colour to the active window.
i.e. Normally white on black, active white on dark red.

I quite liked it and would be  using it all the time
but for some reason after about 5 minutes my free list
(Amigas have 1 per machine) was torn to bits. (O/S bug of course :-))
Being one bit-plane and a solid rectangular shape, it was always faster
than the screen could refresh.

For amigans, I added a dual-playfield to Workbench, which meant my
own personalised bit-plane which didn't interfere with Workbench's colour

>P.S.   While I'm posting, does anybody have any ideas on how to reflect that
>	  a given window is "Out of Date" (ie. MAY contain invalid data) ??

Clear the window.  :-)/2

_____"I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's"__-Blake
Steven Sweeting		  ACSnet: steven@kylie.oz
Optech Research Pty. Ltd. Internet: steven@kylie.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
Level 60, MLC Centre,     PH  +61(2) 235-0255      __   __
Martin Place Sydney 2000  FAX +61(2) 232-5067     /. `v'  \
NSW Australia.                                    \_/\+/\_/