[comp.cog-eng] Voice Interface Bibliography

reiter@babbage.harvard.edu (Ehud Reiter) (12/30/88)

In article <7015@ems.Ems.MN.ORG> mpp@ems.Ems.MN.ORG (Michael Palmquist) writes:
>Any contributions to research in voice recognition, voice synthesis, voice
>interface issues, voice-input front-ends, or voice-technology in computer
>would be greatly appreciated.

Two good technical sources on speech technology are:

	The Nov, 1985 issue of PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE (special issue on speech)

	COMPUTER SPEECH PROCESSING, edited by F. Fallside and W. Woods,
Prentice-Hall 1985.

					Ehud Reiter
					reiter@harvard	(ARPA,BITNET,UUCP)
					reiter@harvard.harvard.EDU  (new ARPA)