[comp.cog-eng] Science Fiction, Science Fact, and Science Future

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/03/89)

In article <4525@xenna.Encore.COM> bzs@Encore.COM (Barry Shein) 
comments on Mark's remembrance:

 > > Remember.  60 years ago nuclear weapons were science fiction.

 > So were anti-gravity machines.

Not to mention blimps, helicopters, hot air balloons, and birds.

--Barry Kort

whh@pbhya.PacBell.COM (Wilson Heydt) (01/06/89)

In article <43335@linus.UUCP>, bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) writes:
> In article <4525@xenna.Encore.COM> bzs@Encore.COM (Barry Shein) 
> comments on Mark's remembrance:
>  > > Remember.  60 years ago nuclear weapons were science fiction.
> Not to mention blimps, helicopters, hot air balloons, and birds.
                                            1               ^^^^^^
1. The Montgolfier brothers may be a little surprised to hear about this.
2. I *think* you forgot the :-)  [:-), just in case.]


  Hal Heydt                             |    "Hafnium plus Holmium is
  Analyst, Pacific*Bell                 |     one-point-five, I think."
  415-645-7708                          |       --Dr. Jane Robinson

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/07/89)

In article <22760@pbhya.PacBell.COM> whh@pbhya.PacBell.COM
(Wilson "Hal" Heydt) writes:

>In article <43335@linus.UUCP>, bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) writes:
>> In article <4525@xenna.Encore.COM> bzs@Encore.COM (Barry Shein) 
>> comments on Mark's remembrance:
>>  > > Remember.  60 years ago nuclear weapons were science fiction.
>> Not to mention blimps, helicopters, hot air balloons, and birds.
>                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                                            1               ^^^^^^
>                                                               2       
>1. The Montgolfier brothers may be a little surprised to hear about this.
>2. I *think* you forgot the :-)  [:-), just in case.]

1.  And *I* would be surprised if the Montgolfier brothers heard about
    our comments regarding their work!  

2.  Yes, I was being facetious.  Some people think neural nets are
    new technology.  As far as I can learn, adaptive neural nets
    have been around for 30 million years.  Today's puny neural
    nets are like those fast food hamburgers:  where's the beef?

--Barry Kort

Today's quote:	"I'll be with you in a minute.  I'm not quite done
		 inventing myself."