[comp.cog-eng] Second SIMILARRITY METRICS Posting

king@rd1632.Dayton.NCR.COM (James King) (01/12/89)


About a month ago I posted a request for information, and interest,
in the area of "similarity metrics".  I am posting a second call for
information now with the hope of furthering my base of understanding,
and also to develop a base for the semi-formal survey I will be sending
all respondents (this will be out in a week or so).

I have received feedback from about thirty people.  Most of the 
respondents have described their interests in this area, and many have 
provided abstractions of their methods for measuring similarity.  This is
very encouraging and I hope it continues.  The survey will also be
sent to a sizeable number of researchers that I know of already.  My 
hope is to make this a cross-discipline study that provides insight
from the Case-Based Reasoning, Analogical Reasoning, EBL, Information
Retrieval, Behavioral Studies, Machine Learning, Child Psychology, etc.

At present a proposal for holding a workshop on this topic at IJCAI has
been decided against.  The topic may be presented as a panel discussion
at a focused Case-Based Reasoning Workshop this year.   

--------------------- Original (edited) posting follows -------------------

SIMILARITY      ...  What does it mean?
for ANALOGY          What are the measures?
for REMINDING        Are there generalities or is it domain-specific?
for EXEMPLARS   ...  Eliciation strategies, cues, weights, features, etc.

I am performing independent research in the area of Case-Based
Reasoning, CBR, and I am working on various metrics for similarity.

In general, what ideas do you (the net-world) have about:
   - What about a new situation reminds you of a prior experience?
   - OR
   - How does one situation remind you of another?
A little more focus 
might be how does one discriminate and weigh features of a new
situation (case) in relationship to a large case-base of experiences
that may or may not have a bearing on the new situation.  Did that
provide more focus or fuzziness!?

This notice is sent out as a preliminary "attention-getter" to
provide myself with some input to help form a more formal survey.  Once 
written I hope to send it to a specific set of researchers (consisting
mostly of people in the CBR, information retrieval (IR), doc. mngt. areas)
and to anyone in netland that requests so.

If anyone is interested in responding to any of this:

   - I will watch the "nets" for replies
   - Email to:  j.a.king@dayton.ncr.com
   - Call:  (513)-445-1090 before 4:30 (EST) (317)-478-5910 after 6:00
   - Mail:  NCR Corp.  1700 S. Patterson  WHQ-5E  Dayton, OH 45479

The survey will be finished and sent in the next week or two, so please
let me know of your interest and what YOU might like to get out of such
a study. 

Thank you for your time.

Jim King