[comp.cog-eng] Is Mathematica Included yet?

jfm@ruddles.sprl.umich.edu.engin.umich.edu (John F. Mansfield) (01/13/89)

I played with one of our new Next machines and inspite of some bugs
still in the beta software, I found it a pretty nice machine.
However, I could not find any reference to Mathematica, when will it
be included?  Also, are there any plans to include a microphone for
voice mail? I would have thought that it would have been cheap and
easy to include a built in condenser mike.  Just wondering...

John Mansfield
North Campus Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory 2455 Hayward, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109-2143. 313-936-3352
Internet: jfm@ruddles.sprl.umich.edu or john_mansfield.um.cc.umich.edu