[comp.cog-eng] Call for Papers - Workshop on Real-Time Decision Support CHI

weh@sei.cmu.edu (Bill Hefley) (01/17/89)

I'd like to bring the following call for participation to your attention.
Last year's workshop was very well received, but had a strong orientation
towards industry folks doing rapid prototyping, etc.  I believe that a more
balanced representation could be achieved this year to try and foster
development of both innovative research and applications efforts, as well as 
to enhance our understanding of the issues.  (I also have a vested interest in
this year's workshop, as I've been asked to co-chair the workshop.)  

With those goals in mind, I submit to you the following call for

                          Call for Participation
                             CHI'89 Workshop


                        Real-Time, Decision Support

                        Computer-Human Interaction
A limited attendance, invitational workshop on Real-Time, Decision Support 
Computer-Human Interaction is being organized for the CHI '89 Conference in 
Austin, Texas.  The workshop will be held on 31 April to 1 May, 1989.

The purpose of the workshop is to cover issues facing users of crucial 
real-time, decision support computer systems, e.g., air traffic control 
computers, tactical command and control systems, missile warning computers, 

The workshop will focus on the following theme: how do we give the user 
sufficient, timely information to make critical decisions in real-time 
withoutoverloading or distracting the human operator?  The key words are 
sufficient information (enough? too much? studies of acceptable ranges?) and 
timely information (computer and human response time) sufficient to 
accomplish the mission.

The workshop will build on ideas presented at a similar, previous workshop at 
CHI '88.  Those interested should review the January 1989 SIGCHI Bulletin that
contains the CHI '88 workshop results report, or request a copy from the Work-
shop Chairman listed below.

Participation in the workshop will be limited to twenty people.  Individuals 
wishing to attend the workshop may request an invitation by submitting a 3-5 
page position paper discussing their experiences or findings with real-time,
decision-critical systems as a whole or may focus on one or more aspects of 
this topic.  We encourage both human factors and systems designers, as well 
as other knowledgeable individuals to contribute their views.  We wish to 
obtain balanced industry/government/academia representation and interaction.  
The position papers of the invited attendees will be reproduced and 
distributed to the attendees prior to the workshop.  Selected papers may be 
submitted for publication in the SIGCHI Bulletin.  Also workshop results will 
be reported in the Bulletin.

Postion papers are due no later than 28 February 1989.  Three copies, double-
spaced should be sent to:

  CHI'89 Workshop on Real-Time, Decision Support Computer-Human Interaction
  Steven Jacobs
  Human-Machine Interface Systems Department
  Mailstation: 134/3058
  TRW Defense Systems Group
  One Space Park
  Redondo Beach, CA 90278
  (213) 217-3846

Invited participants will be notified by 10 March 1989 and will also be sent
copies of the selected position papers along with a final agenda for the 