[comp.cog-eng] Voice Prompting

gee@oakley.USWest.COM (George Engelbeck) (01/19/89)

***********  VOICE PROMPTING INTERFACES ****************

I am looking for research (published or unpublished) 
on voice-prompting interfaces.
My preliminary look through the usual
sources (Human Factors, HCI, CHI...) has
been unsatisfying.  The work I have found so
far consist mostly of case studies (e.g.,
Gould & Boies, 1983; Aucella & Ehlich,1986).
If anyone knows of, or is conducting, any
work in this area, I would be grateful if
they could send the references to me.

   - I will watch the "nets" for replies
   - Email to:  gee@uswest.com
                {bellcore, boulder}!uswat!gee
   - Call:  (303)-930-5346  8:00 am to 5:00 pm (MST).
   - Mail:  U S WEST Advanced Technologies
            6200 S. Quebec
            Suite 320  
            Englewood, CO 80111

Thank you for your time.

George Engelbeck