[comp.cog-eng] request for info. on medical displays

ME.DMG@forsythe.stanford.edu (David Gaba M.D.) (01/31/89)

Does anyone know of any experimental data concerning the perception
or interpretation of data from medical monitoring systems?  I
realize that there has been enormous amounts of work on displays
in aviation, process control, etc., but I have seen few if any
studies of medical displays.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

David M. Gaba, M.D.,  Asst. Prof. Anesthesia, Stanford Univ.
BITNET:  me.dmg@forsythe.stanford.edu.bitnet
SLOWNET: Anesthesia Service, 112A
         Palo Alto VAMC
         3801 Miranda Ave,  Palo Alto, CA    94304
PHONE:  415-858-3938