[comp.cog-eng] UI Researacher Wanted at U S WEST

roberts@sacajwea.USWest.COM (Terry Roberts) (03/24/89)

The Advanced User Interfaces group of the applied research arm of
U S WEST is looking for a junior researcher to take the lead on
prototyping advanced user interfaces to communication services.
We would like to find a person who has a strong background in
user-computer interaction, and who has the programming capabilities
to turn her/his ideas into working prototypes.

(U S WEST is the regional telephone company for most of the
western part of the United States, except for California/Nevada.
The job would be in Denver/Boulder.)

The initial duties of this job are to participate in the design of
innovative user interfaces for personal communication (telephone-based)
services, and to create software prototypes that illustrate and test
those user interface concepts.  In the future, this researcher would
be expected to help set the direction of her or his work in conjunction
with other project members; that work is expected simultaneously to
advance the field of human-computer interaction and to contribute to
U S WEST's plans for products and services.

The primary programming environments we use are HyperCard, augmented as
necessary with XCMDs written in C, and UNIX/C.  Besides knowing these,
it would be desirable for the candidate to have knowledge of PC-DOS/C
and of communications between Macintoshes, IBM PCs, and Sun workstations.

Candidate should have good communication skills: written, in discussion
groups, and for oral presentations.

Education required: PhD in Human Factors or Computer Science, or MS and
related experience.

For more information contact Terry Roberts at
	roberts@uswest.com (or roberts%uswest@boulder.colorado.edu)

Or send a resume to
	Terry Roberts
	U S WEST Advanced Technologies
	6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 320
	Englewood, CO  80111
