[comp.cog-eng] The Psychology Of Everyday Things

chuck@melmac.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano) (04/05/89)

     A while back, someone mentioned that "The Psychology of Everyday Things",
by Don Norman, was a must read for interested designers.

     Well, they were right.  I found this to an excellent book, one that
should definitely be read by anyone aspiring to design things correctly.
A complete citation for the book is:

	Norman, Donald A., The Psychology of Everyday Things. 
	   Basic Books, Inc., New York. 1988.

I had to order my copy through the local B Dalton book store.  $19.95.

     Norman often points out in his book that things which receive design 
prizes often are completely unusable.  So to paraphrase him, I'd give this
book a prize, if only he thought more of prizes.

Chuck Musciano			ARPA  : chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com
Harris Corporation 		Usenet: ...!uunet!x102a!trantor!chuck
PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912		AT&T  : (407) 727-6131
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