[comp.cog-eng] impact of message tone on users

ria@PacBell.COM (Richard I Anderson) (04/06/89)

     A user interface design guideline usually included in published
compilations recommends the use of words/messages that are of positive tone
(nonthreatening, courteous, nonpatronizing, ...).  However, the papers
the compilations most often reference as the source of this guideline are
other guideline compilations.  I've been able to find only one paper (a Ben
Shneiderman chapter in the 1981 "Directions in human-computer interaction")
that reports the results of experimental studies of the impact of message
tone on user performance and satisfaction, and analyses of these results
revealed no significant effect attributable to message tone alone.  Are any
of you aware of any other experimental studies of this nature?

Richard I. Anderson
Human Factors Consultant
Pacific Bell
2600 Camino Ramon, Room 2E850                     (415)823-3715
San Ramon, CA 94583                           ria@pbhyg.PacBell.COM