[comp.cog-eng] German-German Computerized Dictionary

jamshid@maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu (Jamshid Naghizadeh) (05/04/89)

Does anyone know of a German-German dictionary for use as spelling
and grammatical editing of German text?

I am fluent in spoken German, since I lived in Germany for several
years. However, I have no formal schooling in German. I have difficulty
writing German in identifiying nouns (Capitalized in German),
and have some grammatical problems related to idetification of gender.
These could be remedied by frequent reference to a German dictionary,
however, computerized form of such a ditionary will immensely simplify
the task. Such a computerized dictionary must be someplace (in Germany?).
If anyone could send me a copy, I will appreciate it. We do have
sufficient memory available in our computer for this.

Please send any information on this to

jamshid@boltzman.ucsf.edu    or  jamshid@UCSFCGL.BITNET