[comp.cog-eng] Report Layout

reggie@dinsdale.paradyne.com (George W. Leach) (06/27/89)

    I'm looking for a good reference on non-graphical means of presenting
information to people.  Almost any project that utilizes a relational
(or any type) of database invariably offers a battery of canned reports
for users to run and produce output.  How much effort goes into properly
designing the layout of these reports is normally minimal.

    I'm looking for something akin to Jacques Bertin's Semiology of Graphics
(English translation by William J. Berg, U of Wisconsin Press), but for the
application of tabular layout of data.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

George W. Leach					AT&T Paradyne 
(uunet|att)!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LG-133
Phone: 1-813-530-2376				P.O. Box 2826
FAX: 1-813-530-8224				Largo, FL  USA  34649-2826