[comp.cog-eng] Radiation from computer screen

thom@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (Thom Gillespie) (06/27/89)

I'm trying to find out if there are any problems with low level radiation from
computer screens. I spend a lot of time in front of screens and my kids are
starting to also so I'm wondering where they publish tests of screen radiation.
There must be some somewhere. I'd be very happy to find that there are no
problems, but I'm not sure.

I have a Mac so if any Apple people are reading this please tell me where your
info on screen radiation are published, is this in the public domain?


--Thom Gillespie

davef@lakesys.UUCP (Dave Fenske) (06/27/89)

I don't believe there is any radiation (as in X-rays) to worry about.  There
are many other factors that have not been proven to either have or not have
effect on human beings.

The human nervous system tends to  be effected by external stimuli, such as
sound, light, movement of air, etc.  After all, ears, eyes and skin are in
fact transducers.

If you are new to this subject, I'd highly recommend a book entitled
Health and Light by John N. Ott.  Ott was a pioneer in time-lapse photography
and did some interesting experiments with lighting.  (publisher: Devin-Adair)

With all the talk about greenhouse effects, acid rain, etc., I think we're all
convinced that we humans have an effect on the environment.  It shouldn't take
too much intelligence to figure out that what is in the environment also effectsus.  The ultimate question is not "is there an effect", but rather "to what
degree is the effect".