[comp.cog-eng] Use of Color on VDT's

bks@ALFA.berkeley.edu (Brad Sherman) (07/08/89)

I am interested in finding books or articles which discuss the use of color
for VDT's.

Specific areas of interest:
	-Use of background color to indicate type of screen
	(e.g. green = help, blue = data entry, red = error)
	-Foreground/Background color combinations that avoid eye fatigue.
	-Appropriate uses of intensity.
	-How to avoid problems w/ color-blind operators.

I would prefer how-to literature, but theoretical discussions are okay.
Please e-mail and I will summarize if there are other interested parties.

	Brad Sherman
	Computer-assisted Survey Methods Group
	U.C. Berkeley, 2538 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, 94720
	(bks@ALFA.berkeley.edu) (415) 642-6585

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