[comp.cog-eng] Computer Based Qualitative Methods

MUHRTH@DB0TUI11.BITNET (Thomas Muhr) (08/30/89)

We are looking for contacts with other researchers working on computer
based support for qualitative research methods within the social sciences.
In our project ATLAS the main objectives are
   - the establishment of a large textbase thematically oriented to problems
     of the psychological consequences of technological change
   - the development of tools, which support the interpretation of
     text in a non-quantitative manner, permit collaborative work on a topic,
     visualize the structures of complex text-code interrelations, which are
     the result of applying techniques from Grounded Theory.
If you are interested, I will prepare a short discription of our project and
send it by e-mail. We would be very happy, if you tell us about your experience
s with computer based tools in the domain of social science research.
I am working on a survey about tools which are in use today, so any information
will be helpful.
Thank you very much in advance
- TM
Thomas Muhr, Technical University of Berlin, BITNET: muhrth@db0tui11
   Project ATLAS - Computer Based Tools for Qualitative Research
         "Computers, like every technology, are a vehicle
are a vehicle for the transformation of tradition." (Winograd/Flores)

arch_ems@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (09/08/89)

>We are looking for contacts with other researchers working on computer

I would like to respond to your message but the University of Chicago's
BITNET node reports of your machine --

 ----Reason for mail failure follows----
Sending mail to host db0tui11.bitnet :
  Unrecognized host name or address.

Is this the correct machine name?  Is there another address I can direct mail
to for you?



Edward Shelton, Project Manager
ARCH Development Corporation