[comp.cog-eng] System Design and Evaluation with Hypertext Checklists

perlman@capybara.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (09/26/89)

The following will soon appear in a conference proceedings.
You can get a printed paper copy by sending me your postal address.

Title:	System Design and Evaluation with Hypertext Checklists

Author:	Gary Perlman, The Ohio State University

	In this paper, I discuss how hypertext software can aid in the
	application of technical reference sources to system design and
	evaluation.  Technical reference sources, such as collections of
	guidelines and standards, can contain hundreds or thousands of
	points to which system designers should or must conform. 
	Important points can be used to define system-specific design
	rules, and can later be used as checkpoints in checklists to
	evaluate conformance.  Hypertext access to technical reference
	sources can make it easier to find checkpoints that are relevant
	to specific system requirement areas.  Hypertext can encode
	ratings of importance of and conformance to checkpoints. 
	NaviText SAM implements the checklist method of system design and
	evaluation in a hypertext interface to a large design reference
	source.  Experience with the method and the system indicates that
	checklists are useful aids to conformance and that hypertext
	provides advantages over manual checklists. 

	Guidelines, Standard, Rules
	The Checklist Method
	NaviText SAM: A Hypertext Checklist
		NaviText SAM Workspace Windows
		NaviText SAM Functions
		Viewing Options
		Finding Design Sources with Hypertext
		Prioritizing Design Sources
		Defining Rules
		Specify, Prototype, Build
		System Evaluation
		System Redesign
	References (13)
	Figures (14)
Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-292-9021               | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA