[comp.cog-eng] SUMMARY: Cognitive Anthropology Today

jdm@hodge.UUCP (James Murray) (09/29/89)

	I want to thank everybody that responded to my request for
	"what's what" in cognitive anthropology today.  As my site
	is going down for a week or two for upgrades I am posting
	a summary of all the responses I received.  If anyone is
	trying to send me more information and getting it bounced
	back at them because I'm off the net for a while please post
	the information on comp.cog-eng for those interested and
	I'll get it when I'm back on (assuming I can get the news
	feeds for the days I'm off).

/*************************** S U M M A R Y **************************/

From cs.buffalo.edu!rapaport  Thu Sep 21 14:29:57 1989 remote from uunet
Cc: sunybcs!me, sunybcs!ezra

There are several cognitive anthropologists on the SUNY Buffalo faculty,
including Charles Frake and Barbara Tedlock.  Please contact Ezra Zubrow,
Dept. of Anthropology, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260
(apyezra@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu) for further information.

			   William J. Rapaport
			   Associate Professor of Computer Science
			   Interim Director, Center for Cognitive Science

Dept. of Computer Science||internet:  rapaport@cs.buffalo.edu
SUNY Buffalo		 ||bitnet:    rapaport@sunybcs.bitnet
Buffalo, NY 14260	 ||uucp: {decvax,watmath,rutgers}!sunybcs!rapaport
(716) 636-3193, 3180     ||fax:  (716) 636-3464


From: Clark  Quinn <uunet!unix.cis.pitt.edu!quinn>
Organization: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Comp & Info Services

Jim, you'll probably here this from a lot of places, but Ed Hutchins is
one of the premier cognitive anthropologists around, at Cognitive
Science Department C-015, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 (619) 534-6770.  
Roy D'Andrade would also be a good contact at UCSD, Dept of
Anthropology, C-001.  You might also check the Anthropology chapter of
Howard Gardner's book on Cognitive Science "The Mind's New Science".  
-- Clark

Clark N. Quinn
Learning Research and Development Center
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 624-9581


From: Ezra Zubrow <APYEZRA@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu>

Hi, Bill Rappaport sent your message  on to me.
We have a strong cognitive anthropology program which
has several faculty members in particular Charles Frake
(hired from Stanford this year), Barbara Tedlock, and 
Dennis Tedlock, Dan Pollack and even a few others who
have strong cognitive interests. Its a formal program
and I can have one of the sec. send you information
about our department if you wish.

We even have physical and archaeologically interested
faculty who work sometimes with cognitive interests.
As William probably told you we have a Center for
Cognitive studies as well which is quite


Ezra Zubrwo


From: Gilbert Cockton <uunet!cs.glasgow.ac.uk!gilbert>
Organization: Comp Sci, Glasgow Univ, Scotland

Don't forget the cognitive archaeologists either.
Chase up the work of the Cambridge group - Hodder, Tilley, Shanks
Gilbert Cockton, Department of Computing Science,  The University, Glasgow
	gilbert@uk.ac.glasgow.cs <europe>!ukc!glasgow!gilbert


From: uunet!se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM!seamans

Dear James-
	I graduated from U.C. San Diego with a degree in Cognitive Science.
	During my last year I took a course in "Everyday Cognition" which
	was taught by Dr. Edward Hutchins of the Cognitive Science Dept.
	at UCSD. He was a great instructor, and his specialty was
	cognitive anthropology. I'm sure that you would be able to get
	in touch with him via the Cog. Sci. Dept. at UCSD. You can call
	(619) 534-3362 to get on-campus phone numbers for UCSD. Just ask
	for the Cog.Sci. Dept.'s number...

	Let me know how it goes...

Mark Seamans                         
Human Interface Group				(619) 693-5330
NCR Systems Engineering San Diego   
[This space reserved for an original discliamer]


From: Craig Hubley <uunet!gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca!craig>
Organization: University of Toronto Computing Services


If you get anything back, I'd be very interested in hearing about it.

I know something about Environmental Psychology and affordance (Gibson's
work), which would seem to be a related area.  Some anthropologists
work in user interface design (notably Lucy Suchman at Xerox PARC,
who has published in ACM SIGCHI and CSCW conferences) and their work
may be what you are looking for, or may point to it.  I believe Lucy
wrote a book last year, but I don't know the title or publisher.

There are some older things I know of, like James Frazer's 1930
discussion of religion vs. magic (religion as an appeal to higher
forces, magic as predictable results from ritual) and the varieties
of magic (sympathetic (like icons) and contagious (like tokens)),
and this may have spawned a lot of other work, which I'd love to
know about but don't...

I'm afraid I'm rather in the dark about what Cognitive Anthropology
actually is... could you help ?  Once I know, I probably have some
lying around!

Craig Hubley

    Craig Hubley			-------------------------------------
    Craig Hubley & Associates		"Lead, follow, or get out of the way"
    craig@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca		-------------------------------------
    craig@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu    mnetor!utgpu!craig@uunet.UU.NET
    {allegra,bnr-vpa,decvax,mnetor!utcsri}!utgpu!craig    craig@utorgpu.bitnet


From: carm@umd5.umd.edu (Rick Chimera)
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park

Could you summarize to comp.cog-eng, please.



From: apoorva@bosco.Berkeley.EDU

In response to yer inquiry re Cog-Nittiff Anthropologie, when I was an
undergraduate at Princeton (I just graduate spring of '89), I took a
course in cognitive anthropology, and have done cognitive anthropology
research this summer, with Willett Kempton,
willett@confidence.princeton.edu, of the Center for Energy and
Environmental Studies.  He is a cognitive anthropologist and a really
nice guy.  He wrote a book on the Folk Classification of Ceramics.
His daytime office number is (609) 258-5234.  Tell him Apoorva sent


/********************** E N D  O F  S U M M A R Y *********************/

"I'm an anthropologist, not a computer systems architect, damit!"

jdm@hodge.cts.com [uunet zardoz crash]!hodge!jdm

James D. Murray, Ethnounixologist	TEL: (714) 998-7750 Ext. 129	
Hodge Computer Research Corporation	FAX: (714) 921-8038
1588 North Batavia Street 
Orange, California 92667  USA